I was made your hero

Discussion in 'Archives' started by daxma, Dec 29, 2009.

  1. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    This is my third poem, i hope you all like it;

    As i stride across the city,
    I draw my blade,
    As i bath in the moonlight,
    With the monster slain,
    As praise rain down on me,
    I dissappear amoungst the other heros...

    As i saunter across the buildings,
    I bear my arm with malice,
    The rain pattering on the skin of others,
    I smite the maelstroms,
    As praise rain down on me,
    I dissappear amoungst the other heros...

    As i run to the Calamity,
    I withdraw my gun,
    As the daylight burns me,
    The theives fall,
    As praise rain down on me,
    I dissappear amoungst the other heros...

    As i enter a home,
    I draw my blade once more,
    As the random voices of confusion explode,
    I Strike down the family,
    As Sorrow rains on the city,
    I dissappear amoungst the people...