well i was bored so i peiced these together please give me tips or whatever i should do to make them better or to make better ones i will be updateing these when im bored EDIT 1 : New EDIT : 2 Newer EDIT : 3 Newest EDIT : 4 New newet
Out of the three of them, I like the third one the most. It's a bit bland, yet colorful. I LOVE the lighting on it, and I adore the picture. Good work.
k thanks im gunna update with new ones if any one can give me tips on making good renders please do i just get mine frim www.planetrenders.net but yeah
These all need a good amount of work, so in my opinion I think you should go on and find some tutorials to help you get a good start on sig making.
yeah i know im not very good i just started a while ago but there arnt alot of Sig making tuts out there
Some of them look too plain but I say the 3th one is my favorite of the bunch. Tutorials will help you but you're good anyways.
They're all lacking in almost every aspect of sigs. Are you using GIMP or PS? I can send you good sites for tutorials as well as help you out.