. . . looking for some new ornaments to put on my tree, and I overheard this mother talking to her daughter who was about my sister's age. She told her daughter that she had to do whatever she said, behave, not get in trouble, and grow up to be the daughter she always wanted, otherwise she would tell the girl's dad. The little girl began to cry, saying that she was scared of her dad, so I made my way to the next aisle and busied myself with something. The woman began whispering harshly to the little girl, and I finished, then walked pass the two. I said, loud enough for some other people to hear, " That's some ace parenting you're doing, mommy, blackmailing your young daughter. " And then I walked off. A mother, blackmailing her daughter? That's disgusting. No wonder I hate people and have no faith in humanity.
Yeah there are some horrible parents out there. But not all people are like that, if you have no faith in humanity then why bother being around anyone at all?
Because human interaction is unavoidable unless you lock yourself in your house and shut yourself off from the outside world. Not having faith in humanity is not the same thing as being a recluse.
Exactly. And just because humanity as a whole is doomed doesn't mean every individual is that bad. I have one friend who is a brilliant example of that. <3
It feels like America takes it a step further. I've never seen stuff this terrible in public, let alone the amount of news about Americans and some of the daft things they do. But not not exclusive, just seems more common/severe.
I've seen some terrible parents in my day. I blame the laziness of the younger generations. Back in the day you didn't blackmail your kid. When I was a kid you did what you were told or you got hit. If you raise your kid right in the first place you wouldn't have to do that. There's no excuse for bad parenting, and there's a special place in **** for people like that. Sorry about getting serious, this is just one of the few subjects that set me off.
Good on you for saying something. I don't I'd ever have the guts to do something like that. I salute you : D
That's ****ed up. That mother should be nice to her daughter instead of being mean to her. If I ever saw that kind of parenting, I'd slap the mom in the face.
That's how my mother is with me sometimes. She would tell me to behave because her boyfriend told her that he's hesitant of bringing his daughter because of me.
I really hate when parents pull that with their kids. I work at a movie theater and when kids start horsing around, their parents will point at me and say "you better quit it or that lady is going to yell at you." It's such bullshit. Discipline your kid yourself and they'll respect you, don't pull me into the equation.
Well statistically ten times the population = ten times the batshit. They do seem to raise the batshit bar higher, but I' ve never actually been there so it' s hard to say ... It happens to me often. It was disconcerting at first, but now I just smile and say "he' s not the one I' m gonna yell at". Works wonders.