Well, I didn't know what it was until I started hanging out with people who did it. I personally have never moshed, and I'm physically too weak for that kind of stuff (and too shy). XD ...I must admit I only learned about moshing when I reached high school. X3
Mosh pits are fun as **** at the moment. AT THE MOMENT. Doesn't change the fact that they're fun as hell though.
I meant that two people (out of the first three that voted) didn't know what it was. I do. It's fun. xD
I know. I bet there are plenty of people who don't know what it is. It wouldn't surprise me. My guess is that they're really young, in middle school or early high school. Or they just don't know anyone who moshes, which I guess would be rare by high school. X3
Moshing is hell when people don't know how to do it and are basically picking people up and chucking them at other people.