So there I was at borders with my best girl friend walking straight to the magazine section, when someone accidentally bumped into me. When I looked up (kinda) it was a guy with blue eyes, dirty blonde curly hair, nice amount scruffy hair and all that stuff. He apologized and I told him to don't worry so much about it and I walked away. When I turned my back on him and started to look at some magazines the guy comes back and askes my name, my age and how I was doing..then he told me his name and his age and what not. After that, he awkwardly walked away from me and I was still kinda stunned. The funny part of all of this is.. I forgot his name, age and how he was doing. I didn't do much. ..Was it a fail or not?
Dude, you should've ask for his social security number, and where he lives to. :lolface: Just kidding. You should've at least asked his name or number, to look him up on Facebook. o: And then maybe set a date or something. So kinda fail, kinda not.
I'm sorry I laughed at you that time you got diarrhea at Barnes & Nobles... And I'm sorry I just told everyone about it.
wow.....that was a bit fial, but this guy just met you right? id ignore him and just see if you see him around. if you do, start talking and find out more about him THIS TIME WRITE IT DOWN
Wow, that description matches me exactly except for the curly hair part. So tell me, how do you forget specific information about the antimatter twin of someone like me?
I guess he just wasn't important enough and/or attractive enough for you to remember him. k, so no fail. c: