All I wanted to do was go see Iron Man 3 at 1:00, the last matinee, but that didn't work so I went at 3. When I got there they were sold out so now we have to go at 9:45. ****ing 9:45. I won't even got home till after midnight. Now, my friend who doesn't even like Iron Man sent me a message saying Spoiler that people said it sucked. why would you tell me this BEFORE I've seen the movie? I don't want to go in with preconceptions about the movie due to people reacting negatively. I don't care about other peoples opinion, but now when I see it my view of it is going to be tainted with the thought of either agreeing that it's bad, or trying to justify how something is not bad. The whole initial experience is pretty much ruined. I can still watch it and enjoy it, but the experience will not be the same. I wouldn't have cared if he told me that after I've seen the movie, but not before. Is that too much to ask? Is it too much to ask to just go see a movie without everything going wrong? I don't think it is, but this is just typical of my life, I should have seen this coming. My guess is that when I actually go to it I'll probably be late, miss the first minute (I hate that), get the shittiest seats in the whole theater, and sit next to some dumb kid that reeks of popcorn and won't stop talking. I hate everything.