Since I was bored. I'm halfway through the first episode and it's pretty interesting up until now. Feenie says it gets much better later so I dunno. P.S: It's the first anime I have ever watched. So yah.
Oh boy. The very first one? You will probably have the reaction everyone was expecting from me. Also prepare to have a wall of recommendations spammed at you nonstop
What about Digimon, then? IIRC that wasn't translated by 4kids. Come on, don't tell me you didn't watch it in FoxKids? (Latin American channel, I miss it so much.)
u shud hav starded with narudo beach and one peech hahaha XDDD Anyways like I told llave yesterday, get to at least episode 4 of Madoka and then you'll marathon the rest of it or at least have enough interest to finish it. It was a pretty good series.
Then you HAVE watched anime. xDDD Those shows were all awesome, Transformers, Shin-Chan, Monster Rancer, Shaman King......... D': You know, I still fail to see the XD as something else other than the smiley. >_> If you didn't know, the reason why FoxKids became Jetix was that the channel got Bankrupt. and had to sell... It didn't have much audience apparently.
I started with Akira. When I was eight. /scarredforlifelikeyouwouldntbelieve Actually, I think I blocked most of it out. I need to rewatch it....