ESPECIALLY at work... The story: Me: *sees my coworker* Carlooooooos! *desperately does not want to be in charge of his walkie talkie* Coworker: *way across the store*... *disappears from my view* Me: *gets Achmed the Dead Terrorist's voice* I KILL YOU! *turns to do something* Customer: *standing behind me with this face* O.O Me: Oh... Haaa, I don't want to be in charge of this walkie talkie... It's my coworker's... *coughs* Have you heard of Achmed the Dead Terrorist? Customer: *laughs nervously* Ahahahaha, no. Me: .... Awkward...
I'm sorry but . . . if this was me i'd have been fired for lying on the job. I'd be laughing so hard on the floor i'd be crying. There's nothing wrong with talking to yourself . . . just attract more customers who like comedy ^.^ Carlooooooooooooooooooooooooooos! That's so fun to say. Aslo, Ack*flim*med, I LOVE YOU!!! lol
You're wierd for thinking that's wierd . . . i've seen wierd . . . that's not even stepping up to bat . . .
WHY YES! I am weird. ;D People who knew me for years on here knew that. xDDD But you're new, so you're an exception.
New-ish, new . . . same difference . . . ------------------------>>>>>Warning: Don't buy anything on e-bay from me <<<<-----------------------------
well no I'm not new exactly. Though my first account from 2008 had no interaction with you from what I remember, because I posted pretty much exclusively in the KH section, so I guess in a way I'm new to you.
I know right? The ending was like, *sniff* I can't even . . . I just can't!!! I loved that ending though ^.^