I have a game called Vagrant Story. Have any of you played it? What is it like, and is it worth investment?
I have it, I played about 3 hours of it and then stopped for some reason, I don't remember why but I stopped, I enjoyed what I played of it but perhaps I was distracted by something else at the time, if you've got nothing else on your mind it would be worth the sit down and play.
It's.... interesting for Square Enix and it isn't terrible, but there is no shortage of better games. edit: path of radiance aaaa
Play it immediately. The gameplay, story, and setting are all amazing in my opinion. It also has a very nice soundtrack.
Path of Radiance first. I'm close to the end of the game and I'd rather not get out another console if I don't need to. But it's next on my list of to-tries.
I own it..Got it at my siters schools jumble ale for £1 I have yet to play it...Though this is raising my interest~
It is one of my favorite SE games. The scenario, while good, is not exactly groundbreaking, it' s basically one more chapter in Matsuno' s "The church is evil" routine, and as expected from him you' ll probably need to play the game twice to understand all its subtleties. Do not press start during the intro, even if you think you already saw the exact same movie launching itself back at the title screen : trust me, it' s not the same. Oh, btw, there is a second title screen video, it reveals background details that cannot be found in-game (just wait at the tittle screen until you' ve watched them both). Vagrant Story' s musics are, imo, on the same level as those of FF Tactics (meaning it' s Sakimoto at his best). The 3D graphics are great, for a PS1 game that is. The gameplay is the one thing that will decide whether you love or hate this game. It' s a D-RPG, you explore one big-ass town and there' s no one to talk to. All you can do is fight, just as in FFXIII, except Léa Monde' s maze is the polar opposite of FF XIII' s straight line. The combats are sort of an anti-KH : mindless button mashing will get you nowhere, at least not on your first playthrough. If you don' t bother understanding each game rule to its every obscure nuance, scanning enemies and switching your equipment and buffs accordingly you' ll end up at the game over screen quite often. In practice this means you' ll have to change your equipment at least once in every room and spend hours in workshops mixing random weapons to see if it nets you something better, which understandably can quickly get tedious for some people (especially given how long the loading times are in this game), but personally I loved it.
I had played it just a little, gave up on the first boss because I only did 1 damage on him... that was many years ago, and after a few years I played it again, beat the boss but left right afterwards. It is quite nice with a unique battle system. It's worth playing if you have the time.