I joined a wallpaper thread, turned it into a Lain thread for two generations, got two instances of the following image (one on each thread) and some text. Spoiler My work there is done for the day. Good night, 4chan, and good morning, KHV.
I posted on /b/, actually? Not sure what pink board refers to. Aah, now I get it. Which boards are which, then? /sigh
You DO realize that /b/ is probably THEE worst place on the Internet next to Reddit right? The pink boards are generally all the NSFW boards. If you're going to /b/ and expect to have any sort of discussion whatsoever then you're ****ing ******ed. Just go to a board that suits your hobby, if you REALLY have to go to /b/ because no other board interest you then you truly are cancer.
Linked to the thread because of Lain walls, I didn't bother with anything else. I somehow managed to hijack and keep it going for two threads until everyone ran out of Lain. You couldn't do the same, I am guessing. It was my first time. I take it this is an irregular occurrence.
Good Keep it that way. This is the current front page of /b/ right now Trap thread "What would you do to this girl" thread Gardevoir porn thread Porn thread Finnish thread "Ask a professional pickpocket anything" thread Pegging thread A thread about 4chan United States Destruction game USA VS Russia/Fetish thread Dubs thread Comic thread Porn thread Dubs thread Now I know what you're saying "But Jube, some of these don't look half bad" Well that's because when I make them sound like typical discussion threads except there is NO discussion going on in any of these threads except for maybe the porn threads It's trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls...... Like those country threads You may be thinking "Oh boy, I'll get to talk to some people about my country or whatever" You won't You WILL be able to talk about how **** everyone else's country is and then attract some people from that other country so that they can talk about how **** your country is That's what goes on /b/ Racism, Sexism, Ignorance, Intolerance, Depression and general anger towards the world and everything that exist. This actually goes on most every board but it's most prominent on /b/ Not to mention it's where new**** like you swarm to on thier first encounter with 4chan and get's cluttered with a lot of normal******ry every now and then. Essentially there's thing you can talk about without things reverting to trolls trolling trolls... and things you can't talk about. You were talking about Lain, a generally well liked anime on /a/(and in turn everywhere else) Other anime that everyone on 4chan likes Baccano Cowboy Bebop Gurren Lagann(everyone except for /a/) If you start a Lain thread on /b/ then you will probably get some civil discussion(same with on /a/) But it's still a rare occurence for a Lain thread to be on /b/ for gods sake so don't be surprised if the thread fades to oblivion before even 3 people can post You can try /a/ but there's only so much Lain to talk about before threads become us repeating the same thing over and over again. So there you go, don't go on /b/ Go somewhere else ANYWHERE else Just not /b/ /co/ probably as friendly as it get's
The time must have just felt right. Did you finally find that one special thread that makes it worth it?
/b/ is baby's first image board. No one really stays there for long, he'll find a good home soon enough. *cough/a/cough*