With my Government homework. C: I need three people ages 17 to 24 to answer these five questions. You must live in America. Short answers are fine! 1. What are your three most frequently viewed television networks? 2. What type of news do you find the most entertaining? 3. What problems facing our country has the most direct impact on your daily life? 4. What is your main source of information about politics? 5. How do you feel as a young adult that you can make an impact on this country? Please & thank you!
Lucky for you, Im 17. :> 1. Boomerang, SyFy, History Channel, Starz (lol satellite) 2. News that have to do with alien contact. 3. Gas prices. And fat people. (Lol just joking) 4. School, internets. (I don't trust the TV that gives information.) 5. I'll do whatever I think is right, and what'll give off a better outcome. I have different views.
1. What are your three most frequently viewed television networks? -I'm going with NBC, CBS, and ABC 2. What type of news do you find the most entertaining? -Satirical (The Daily Show) shows for me. They're the true unbiased newscast; they make fun of everybody. 3. What problems facing our country has the most direct impact on your daily life? -The economy. Tummer needs money. 4. What is your main source of information about politics? -New sites that I sometimes visit. 5. How do you feel as a young adult that you can make an impact on this country? -I feel like I may finally be heard as a person, which is always nice. Misty, why does your first grade class need to know about this
I'm sorry about the age thing guys, the project is on young people not participating in politics though. D: I have a feeling I will be doing a lot of surveys this year so maybe next time! Thanks to those who have done it so far, I get extra credit if I do more, so plz post. c:
1. What are your three most frequently viewed television networks? - NHK World News, ABC, and Fox 29 News 2. What type of news do you find the most entertaining? - Politics and current world events 3. What problems facing our country has the most direct impact on your daily life? - Gas Prices, and the Recession (Jobs). 4. What is your main source of information about politics? - Washington Post (Online) 5. How do you feel as a young adult that you can make an impact on this country? - Currently, not a whole lot. But being a major does allow a window of freedom. I suppose simple things like voting do make a difference so i suppose yes.
1. What are your three most frequently viewed television networks? I don't have three. Cartoon Network during the Adult Swim and "classic" blocks and Nickelodeon during the Nick at Nite block. I also sometimes watch Animal Planet when my mother has it on, but that's rare. 2. What type of news do you find the most entertaining? Anything that is even remotely related to the supernatural. Even if it turns out to be a hoax (and it usually does), I love it because for at least a few days life is interesting. 3. What problems facing our country has the most direct impact on your daily life? The goddamn economy. My father was laid off twice in the course of one year and finally has a consistent job again. 4. What is your main source of information about politics? Honestly, not much. Whatever I happen to see when I'm browsing the internet I guess. 5. How do you feel as a young adult that you can make an impact on this country? I know that I can, but I don't think I have enough time in my life to make an impact big enough to matter. I've got less than one hundred years to make a big change, so unless I commit every aspect my life to doing so, I have very little chance of actually doing anything major.
1. What are your three most frequently viewed television networks? I do not view any television networks. I watch specific programs on the internet. 2. What type of news do you find the most entertaining? Entertaining? What kind of question is that? I find news that I did not expect 'entertaining'. This usually means news about crimes caused or committed by a member of state. Such as police brutality, or military actions. I prefer to use the internet for my news, as they profit from spreading as much data as possible, unlike a public news organization. I consider WikiLeaks a great proponent of free press ideals such as this. 3. What problems facing our country has the most direct impact on your daily life? There are three things that greatly affect my daily life. I would not say that our country is facing them, but that they are causing them, and that that is why they are there. These three things are invasive wars, drug wars and laws enforcing monopolies, such as intellectual property law. All of these take money from me to harm others, and they decrease the living standards of the individual on a daily basis. 4. What is your main source of information about politics? I have no main source. It is incredibly foolish to trust any one group to give you valid information. I take many sources and view them all, coming to conclusions on my own. If I can, I get first hand accounts instead of going to the news. This does not happen often, unless my friends are directly involved, or know someone who was. 5. How do you feel as a young adult that you can make an impact on this country? I can refuse to take part in games that harm me and others. Boycotting a service that you consider unfavorable to society is the best way to change it. We found this out with Martin Luther King, Jr. and many other radicals who changes society the same way. A minority will not gain freedom as long as it relies on a majority vote for its liberty.
1. What are your three most frequently viewed television networks? Comedy Central, USA, The CW (Those are my only viewed networks lol) 2. What type of news do you find the most entertaining? ...The Daily Show 3. What problems facing our country has the most direct impact on your daily life? Education reform and budget cuts 4. What is your main source of information about politics? The internet. I search for news myself. 5. How do you feel as a young adult that you can make an impact on this country? Running for office! Seriously, that's my goal. Yeah, I answered these half serious. Oh well.