Finished up Skyward Sword yesterday and my god it was amazing. But now I have my PS3 set up and don't know what to play first - Metal Gear Solid, Nier, or Uncharted. I really haven't followed any of these series so I am undecided. :c
Going to vote uncharted, as i've seen it and it looks amazing. Metal Gear Solid's pretty good too, i've always enjoyed that. Nier i don't know what the hell that is, so i can't vote for that XD
Uncharted. I played the second without having touched the first and it wasn't that awkward at all. Whether or not you want to start off with the first is your call, as the gameplay is supposed to be incredibly stubborn (without a headshot, it'll take half of your ammo to take out two or three guys).
Uncharted if you want action with some comedy in it, Metal Gear Solid if you want a cinematic experience with tactical gameplay and Nier if you want a real time RPG with a great and depressing story. Out of all of those, Uncharted will take the least amount of time to finish. Just play it on easy unless you want a challenge.
Nier is a compelling and a lovely land to be in, it has a rather unique quality about it, but not that fulfilling. Uncharted is alright, i've never been that over excited about it like mos tpeople, even though I really want to love it I just like it. MGS HD contains one fo the greatest PS2 games ever, one never released before on console, and one that is so batsh!t crazy story wise tha tit fits into my mind and thoughts perfectly. Out of them all, I would recommend the HD Collection.
So MGS3 for the greatest PS2 game ever and MGS2 for the batshit insane one right? Haha. I'd go with the MGS Collection. You can honestly never go wrong with that. Have you played the first one Wolfie? That could help a lot. The games are very story driven. Otherwise, I'd go with Uncharted. Short but extremely fun games. I heard NieR was pretty awesome too, but I haven't tried it myself to judge.