Ok when I first met her the start of the school year on August of last year she seemed interesting. We started to hang out then things went down hill from there. She asks me to do something (which is every 5 seconds) and when I dont do it she doesn't shut up about it until I do. I basically do the things for her just to shut her up. Things got worse from there. She gets abusive and never shuts up making her more annoying to a point to where I want to throw her under a bus. At times I want to hit her but I cant because Im not that type of guy. I did use her to get close to a guy I liked for a while, I should at least get something out of dealing with her bull s**t. She keeps whining and complain about every little thing possible it is impossible for me to tune her out till she stops flapping her lips but no she just keeps doing it no matter what. When she said "your my best friend now" I was all like "are you f**king crazy?". She and my friend became BFF's in like a day then a week after my friend transfers out she insults her in front of me. She never leaves me alone. She is unavoidable no matter what I do. What makes things worse is I have 3 classes with her and I have to deal with her for 6 hours (classes in my school are 2 hours long). I think my acting has improved because up till now I've been playing along with her like pretending to be her friend cause she wont let me be. I told a friend (not the same friend btw) about her and said "Wow, she sounds horrible. How did you put up with her?" "I have no idea" I answered. A classmate from my first hour was having a laugh when she couldn't stop talking because I had a look on my face with a "I don't give a f**k anymore" expression, needless to say I've made a new friend that day which was Thursday. Recap to clear some confusion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.I met this girl because I thought she was interesting 2.Shes abusive/aggressive, never shuts up, and annoying me. 3.I used her to get close to a guy I like which is ok cause I've been dealing with her BS for many months 4.My friends agrees shes straight up crazy 5.She insulted my best friend in front of me 6.I need this crazy b***h out of my life! EDIT: I had no idea she would be this way. She seemed innocent when I first met her. She was been doing these things to me long before I used her. Shes been doing this to EVERYONE she knows not just me >_>
Call it karma, then. You try to use somebody like that and you're going to reap what you sow. Maybe you'll think twice about befriending someone for selfish means in the future. I'm sorry if that's harsh or critical but you can't sit here and act like the victim when it was your own poor behavior that got you into this situation. To help, though, you might as well just confront her and discuss it. Tell her that you can't always cater to her every whim and that you don't appreciate her saying things about your friends. I say be gentle but you've really nothing to lose here. Alternatively, you could just try to slowly drift away from her--don't sit by her in class if you can help it, don't be a very active conversationalist, refuse to do her bidding, etc. It's kind of a ****** thing to do but if she's treating you poorly there's really no nice way out. It does sound like the girl has got some issues though. Has she many friends besides you?
Misty basically covered it. In the beginning of your post you have this If your not mature enough to help me then go away. The one being immature is you. First of all, you take advantage of someone, and you're not man enough to stand up to her, then it's all on you. Until you are mature enough to actually face up to your actions, you'll just have to live with it. It doesn't matter if she's crazy. As far as help goes, this is all I will offer. Man up.
It wasn't directed at everyone, it was directed at people who say "ooooh, Im telling because your trying to say a curse word" >_> Back on topic, I did stand up to her but she just keeps coming back.
what did you actually do? Some people don't really get hints, but my advice to you is that one kinda serves you right but on the other hand I have done the same thing and had the same problem... and that in my situation all I had to do was make a effort to socialize with others in her presence, if your in a small group rather than on your own she may tone it down and if she doesn't at least you could talk to the other people and make a more successful effort to stop here without being really mean to her.
Everyone pretty much covered what I wanted to say. I'll still say it, though...that's what you get, foo'!
*replying to you both at once* As my edit says I had no idea she would be this way. She seemed innocent when I first met her. She has been doing these things to me long before I used her. Shes been doing this to EVERYONE she knows not just me.
If she is refuseign to leave you alone, then technically, that is stalking/harassing and you can go to the police.
I... really don't see what everyone's making such a big fuss about. Isn't it normal to befriend people you find interesting? I thought it was one of the main reasons people befriend others honestly. Or are you guys talking about the "I did use her to get close to a guy I liked for a while"? Yeah, that's a big no-no, but if you read her post, that was clearly not the reason she became friends with her! I am really curious, can someone fill me in on why it "selfish" befriend her because the person was interesting? ._. As for any help, I really don't know what I can offer. I had a similar experience the two last years. Although, I was still really great friends with him and still am, it was just way too much to see him in class all the time. And he was pretty bossy too, it really does get to you after a while, so I can understand what you're going through. However, all I personally did was just tough it out. My grades did suffer because of it, but that's what I did. If you really don't want to talk to her anymore, then maybe you should just tell her straight out? Good luck to you either way, hope you figure it out.
First - Chris: Yeah, they're talking about the "I did use her to get close to a guy I liked". I've been watching this thread for a few days, trying to take stock of what everyone else thought before I would say something. When I originally read the post, I decided you were wrong for using her, however, I don't completely condemn you because at one point or another, I feel that a lot of us have - I have, I can tell you that. It's a bit critical of everyone to kinda harp on it when you feel you have an honest to good issue. I agree with Chris, you befriend someone when they're interesting to you, but if she's extremely clingy [which is what it seems as] you need to talk to her about. This could turn into something serious, you really should watch where your stepping if you want to avoid serious trouble. You could try pulling yourself away from her little by little, come up with something that'll start consuming your life so that she won't do that for you - I'm not saying lie, because I doubt you'd be able to pull a long-running one off. Also: You should be a bit more mature, I know I'm being a little hypocritical, but there's no good reason to call this girl an inappropriate name in front of all of us, who don't even know her. And that's another thing, do you know what kind of life she's had - usually, girls like that have been abused in some form, or have had experiences like yours to make their personality up. Something bad may have happened to her as a kid. If she's been doing these things to everyone, she must have some sort of OCD, some sort of psychological disorder. You never know. Also, I would like to clear up confusion - aren't you a boy? I can't be sure . . . I thought you were.
This seems annoying. I would suggest you to discuss with her. Sometimes, when you yell at her she will eventually want to be away from you, I think. My suggestion is tell her and even if needed yell at her to leave you alone. It's not the best choice or the easiest, but if you really need her out of your life that it is probably the best thing to do.