I need to calm down... Because I am VERY angry...

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by Light-Rune Maven, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea
    So here is why: School. NOT "Oh school is so hard for me, school is depressing, I wish it was over." This is more like: "Why do those moronic brats who have the nerve to think they are old enough to be considered Teenagers such Imbecilic Jerks!" I mean, SERIOUSLY.

    First they call me whiny because: I state the fact that any other joke of the same kind as mine is funny unless -I- say it. (Yes I understand this reaction seems whiny, but I will get that in a moment.) THEN because I'm slightly angry about it, my teacher ask me what is wrong; I tell her and those little twerps call me a TATTLE TALE. You guys are seriously gonna resort to a term usually used to describe the behavior of a 3-7 year old, because I was ASKED A QUESTION? Now of course that made me mad but that is not what got me to writing this. (Or -actually- admittedly whining.) The reason is because this is NOT the first time that has happened in that class. (Yes its always the same class.)

    Brief history: People didn't really like me when I was a little kid so I eventually got home schooled. I didn't end up going out much and didn't even really care about socializing or making friends after a certain point. But things got way too busy and my parents couldn't really teach me anymore; the nearby home school group wasn't going to help because I couldn't even get in till the next school year. So rather than spend all of next year only getting an education on Friday, we went back to public school. it's a smallish one, so it wasn't to extremely uncomfortable a shift. But I still sit at lunch alone after a year and while I do have Acquaintances, I don't really have many friends.... other than all my teachers... with if whom I were to start a conversation it could go on for hours.... moving on. So Having other people to talk to is more than a distant dream from KH now, it's a hope, and every time I feel a little bit like it might actually happen some day... THIS HAPPENS!

    Back to the present. Whenever I'm upset enough I start thinking about all the times in my life that I did something stupid or got really mad at someone, and I just get further and further into the dumps. I feel like no one wants to be my friend, not really, and that the few people who care to get to know me all go away eventually. So now I'm angry AND depressed; hence the whining. Furthermore I feel like if I see the girl who started the class getting on to me next week, I will EXPLODE, or at least become angry and ruin the rest of my day. (This day has been ruined as well; and it was a half-day.) Even video games didn't help with this for long. I feel like an idiot.

    I know I should just ignore them, but since I can't get a word in to those people, I feel like I'M getting ignored even when I ignore them.

    Please help.
  2. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    I'm afraid I can't be much help to you in the art of how to handle yourself in a situation like this; I was homeschooled all my life, and I don't usually talk to people either. But because of that, I feel I can relate to your feelings of being alone, and of having not friends, but acquaintances. And I also can relate to feeling down in the dumps when I remember everything stupid that I've ever said (and believe me, I've said a lot. Part of the reason I don't talk much now, actually, but that's another story).
    So, although I can't give you any advice on how to overcome this, I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone, that someone knows a little bit of what you're going through, and that hopefully, someday, this will all be nothing more than an unpleasant memory that helped you to grow. I wish you all the luck in the world, I'm pulling for you. And if you ever need someone to vent to, I flatter myself that I'm a good listener. :)
  3. strfruit Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 5, 2012
    somewhere out there....
    As Marushi said, I may not be the best help in telling you how to handle yourself in this situation, but I can help you the best I can.
    First of all, you are all teenagers and going to a small school. These kids have been going to school together since school began. So, sadly, they all have their friends and little cliques, and sometimes it's hard letting a newer person into all of that. It's all in the matter of finding the right people who are nice enough to be willing to make a new friend and keep the old ones too.
    Those kids in your class who act like jerks, do that because they feel that they can. They know it makes you angry and that's most likely what they aim for. As cruel as it sounds, people tend to do that. And as hard as it is, you know, just ignore them. You may feel ignored in the process, but it makes you stronger knowing that you don't let yourself be pushed around by them. Let them mind their businesses as you mind your own. Don't feel that you need to get a word in to them. There are other people in your class i'm sure who probably think they are being immature just as you do.

    Friend making-wise; you said that you have a few acquaintances, so you could start from there. Maybe see if they want to hang out one day after school or eat lunch with you because you want to get to know them better. A study group for a test or something could be an option as well.
    You could also join a few clubs. Find a club with something that interests you and become a member. That will enable you to find others who are into the same things you are.

    Just throw yourself into meeting new people. Do things that interest you. A sport, club, volunteer group, etc...etc....
    Also, don't think of the past so much when you get upset. Everyone has mistakes or has done something completely stupid. However, don't let that reflect on your present. Don't think of that to the point where you feel even more upset. Why? Because it's in the past. There really isn't anything you can do to change what happened then. It's over and done with and now you are here. Do something else. Something different. You learned from what you did, so take what you learned and make that help you.

    I hope that things turn out better for you. I have had a similar experience in the past, so I can relate to how you are feeling.
    Just hang in there. I can assure you that things will turn out for the better. Sometimes it takes a bad time before a good one. You just have to be strong enough to stand through it until the end.

    And just so you know; even though we are online, I consider you a friend and many others on KHV do as well. We're here, as your friends, to help you and be there when you need to talk to someone. You are a good person.

  4. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    I'm addressing this first, as it popped out at me.

    Why are you still trying to talk to them exactly? If you're ignoring them, and they're ignoring you, I think that's a win-win. If you're still trying to talk with them, you're not really ignoring them.

    I'd recommend trying to find/make some friends who share the same/common interests as you. Even if it's just one friend, that one friend can help you through school. I had a lot of aquaintances throughout High School, but I only had one (best) friend. If it wasn't for him sharing all the madness with me, I'd have gone crazy.

    Just relax, don't worry about the preppy "popular" kids. Most of the time, that popularity only lasts them through high school It's all down hill, most of the time, after that for them.

    Just find a group you can be you with, and who appreciates you for who you are.

    Also, and I completely understand why you did it, but "tattling" on them to the teacher probably didn't help their opinion of you any. I'm looking at this from their point of view, you just gained like fifty hate points in a moment. Kids like that don't like to get "ratted out." If it's actual bullying, like physical or emotional, then I'd recommend telling the teacher immediately. However, if it's over a joke (which I doubt the teacher paid much attention to it since she/he probably didn't understand the situation) I wouldn't . . . I guess "tattle" to the teacher about it.

    But I wouldn't recommend trying to be buddy-buddy with them either. Just stay away from them, ignore them, and find your own crew.

    Good luck with whatever it is you choose ^^
  5. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea
    I apologize, because I can tell you are giving good advice, but I'm going to have undermine it because it doesn't exactly apply to the situation. I blame myself for not making certain points clear enough, as I can see why you thought the things you did.

    Starting at ignoring people, I made a point of saying it was a small school because I have to be around these people at least 3 different times a day; if I we were working on a project together and they were to ignore good advice from me on the grounds that they are ignoring me because they don't like me and think i'm too stupid too know what i'm talking about or vice versa, it really doesn't help our school work or the get along by not talking too each other thing. As for Popularity, again: small school. There kinda are cliques, but its more sectioned into interest then popularity. Also, It seems some people are slightly intimidated by me and my brother. Not only has my brother been banned from waiting in the music room or library for school (which we -all- are required to do) on the grounds that a younger student found him intimidating, but in class one time when we pretty much all had free time to read and stuff, a group at another table was taking bets on who would talk to us and how long they would last. :|
    (It's probably just my brother.)

    As for whining and Tattling, the point was that the teacher asked me a question; If I have reputation for anything in school it's answering as honestly as I can. In a class where nobody tries these things, When asked my grades and I answered (having better grades then the rest of the class did) someone jokingly said: "You're lying aren't you?" Teacher says: "Oh you -KNOW- he doesn't lie."
    So the point was that even if they don't like me, they should at least know me that much, and Calling me "Whiny" because I stated a true fact and a "Tattle tale" because I answered a question honestly while they were present seems more than a little unfair. Now if they had said "Teachers pet" That would have been more accurate and I wouldn't really have argued or been offended because I actually talk to the teachers more than the students. Enjoyable conversations too.

    Like I said, your advice was good; it's just that a portion of it does not really apply.

    I apologize once more.