Question I need some PAINT tuts

Discussion in 'Help' started by Rockin Roxas, Jan 27, 2008.

  1. Rockin Roxas Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2007
    My Evil Lair
    Anyone know some good PAINT tuts and only Paint tuts because ive asked somewhere else before and all i got were photoshop tuts.I really need those PAINT tuts to better my skills.
  2. lmfaoroflx Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 28, 2007
    What exactly do you need tutorials of for what image-editing program? Paint.NET or Paint Shop Pro? I'm going to assume you're asking for Paint Shop Pro tutorials. Here are some links, and I checked through them to see if they got a nice list of tutorials to save you the grief.

    Pinoy 7 - Has a lot of tutorials I see... Check it out!
    Baycongroup - Um, since you said you want to better your skills, the basics are always good.
    Corel - Well, lookie' here even the creators has a tutorial section. Some basics and intermediate I believe...
    PSP Links - Has a whole array of websites of PSP tutorials I think.
    About - Good grief, even has tutorials. Well, check these out?
    Sumrallworks - Try this out too!

    BTW, there are a lot more tutorials out there. Just use google, askjeeves, yahoo to find the tutorials! And FYI, if you want better help then you should really specify the PSP version you're using.