Quite a lot actually. Either a link to an already existing version or a custom made one would be fine, as long as i can get it. Here is a list of the models i need. Spoiler Ifrit ---> Belias ---> Yet to be decided Mateus ---> Shiva ---> Yet to be decided Odin ---> Zalera ---> Hades Ixion ---> Ramuh ---> Adrammelech Bahamut ---> Neo Bahamut ---> Bahamut Fury Alexander ---> ultima ---> yet to be decided Tonberry ---> Master Tonberry ---> Donberry (some other color coat) Malboro ---> Malboro king ---> Malboro menace Omega ---> Shinryu ---> Messiah (original summon) Anima Bahamut SIN Chaos Lucifer (original summon) The "yet to be decided" ones will be filled in at a later date. If you decide to take a few of them, let me know so i know which ones i have covered and which i don't. Any help at all is appreciated. Thanks in advance.