Ok so You know I said I have a boyfriend but think I like my best friend? Yeah that hasnt passed yet,but my friend whose a girl likes my best friend and ...she told him...but He said he likes some else...people think its me. Last night I said something about him,laughing and my parents said I seem happier talking about him than I do my boyfriend,who seems to be constantly annoying me, I mean I've told him three times this week to stop following me everywhere and staring at me in class all the time (everyone says its stalkerish now.) Its creeping me out... But any way...part of me wants my best friend to like me...its like Im hoping whoever he likes is me...but I feel bad because of my boyfriend and other friend...sometimes When me and my best friend go for a early lunch (we have a free class) I day dream about...kissing him and stuff...I had a dream I went out with him...ended up married and had his children the other night... and I've come so close to telling my boyfriend,who doesnt like my best friend,whats happening...My dad says if he's creeping me out...I should dump him....But...Im confused and feel guilty Help?
If you think that your boyfriend following you and looking at you constantly is annoying and "stalkerish", then it's pretty clear that your feelings towards him are not as strong as they are towards your best friend. If I had a boyfriend following me around and staring at me in class, I'd just find it cute. It is a sign of affection. If that feels weird for you, I doubt he's the right one for you. Feeling guilty and confused is normal in this situation. You pretty much just have to ignore it and do what your heart tells you to do. (Cheesy phrase, I know. But it's surprisingly true.)
Before you do anything, firstly confirm whether your best friend likes you, preferably without blatantly admitting you like him. Otherwise you'll be out of a best friend AND a boyfriend. If it turns out he does like you, then you have a few choices. You can dump your boyfriend and go out with your best friend, but that will upset your female best friend and your boyfriend. Also, most relationships at that age don't last, so if you two did go out and eventually break up, it could damage your friendship. So there's still merit in simply sticking with your current boyfriend. If he doesn't like you, then get over him. Then talk with your current boyfriend about his actions. He's not going to stop unless you make it plain to him. Just tell him to stop. Make it plain that you'll end the relationship if he doesn't, and he'll smarten up, or end it for you.