I need help to display japanese characters on my pc. (I have Vista...)

Discussion in 'Technology' started by Master of the Onyx Flame, Mar 26, 2009.

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  1. Master of the Onyx Flame Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 29, 2007
    I cant display Japanese symbols on my laptop. this wasn't a big problem untill i got pokesav and it doesn't display my pokemon's names and changes their names to ?????. This happend to my pc boxes and character name as well.

    So how do i fix this? i could do this effortlessly if i had XP, still. but i, sadly, have vista on my new laptop...
    BTW japanese platinum saves are cmpatible with english roms, if this helps anybody...
  2. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006
    You probably haven't done any windows updates...

    Well if you want just the Japanese language pack try doing this:

    "Start" --> "Control Panel" --> Under the "Security" tab, click on "Check For Updates".

    If you want to install all the updates you can click on the "Install updates" button (though it will probably take a long time to install all of them xD) but like I said if you want just the language packs, click on "View Avaliable Updates". Since you probably haven't updated anything, there will probably be a long list of crap. Scroll down until you find something which should called "Japanese Language Pack" or something among those lines. When you find it check the box next to it and click the "Install" on the bottom right. When it's done, you probably have to restart your computer to for it to work. However I would have to say the easiest way would be to install all the updates that are avaliable (if you have enough disk space of course).

    If you need more help let me know, hope this does the trick for ya. ^^
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