I need help finding a novel segment...

Discussion in 'General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts' started by r3troRoxel, Jul 10, 2009.

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  1. r3troRoxel Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 19, 2009
    A house.
    At least I think it's part of one of the novels. It's a conversation between Namine and Axel (it takes place after Roxas and Sora have merged in the beginning of KH2, and Riku gives Namine to Axel so Axel can take care of her), and Namine says that despite being Nobodies, they can still have people dear to them, and Axel is moved by this. I only know this information due to the KH wikia... I'd really appreciate it if someone could find a translated version of this conversation/segment...
  2. Axelxxx45 Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 24, 2008
    in the real world, blowing away fantasies.
    Should be on onemanga.com or try googling it for search results.
  3. r3troRoxel Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 19, 2009
    A house.
    I doubt it would be on onemanga, considering it's most likely part of the novels... the thing is, I have looked up novel translations, but they're mostly for the same chapters... I guess I could try onemanga and just skim through to see if they've put it in the manga... I'd just prefer having the actual segment...
  4. Axelxxx45 Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 24, 2008
    in the real world, blowing away fantasies.
    oh, i thought you were talking about the KH manga. yeah, i read it a few times on Amazon, i think.
  5. r3troRoxel Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 19, 2009
    A house.
    Oh, I've got the manga for KH2. (lovingly pats it) All shredded and torn up from overuse... I'm just amazed the pages aren't falling out. (sighs at her own obsessive tendencies) You mean you've read the novels on Amazon? I've seen them for sale (really cheap, actually - new copies for about 3 dollars plus the 4 for shipping and handling...) but I didn't know what language they were in. Although I'm learning Japanese, (through a video game - 'My Japanese Coach', I feel so lame. Imagine having to whip out your Japan-made DS and load up your Japanese language game just to ask for directions if you were actually in the country... embarrassing or funny - you decide.) I can't read it...

    EDIT: Well, I may have found it... It wasn't exactly the same dialogue ('even Nobodies have people dear to them', etc.) but I think this is it... I wonder why they don't have this clip posted on the KH2FM cutscene archive...?
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