i need help chosing which to write

Discussion in 'Archives' started by RRMS, May 18, 2007.


Which story shall i choose?

Poll closed Jun 1, 2007.
  1. Dream on

    4 vote(s)
  2. The Trip

    2 vote(s)
  3. The new member

    11 vote(s)
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  1. RRMS Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 18, 2007
    In a random empty void |D ~♥
    Ok i hav come up with a few storys but i will keep writing The Organization Band. i promise...ok here are the choices

    Dream on:
    Axel and Roxas have wierd dreams and drop out of the organization to find out what they truely mean

    The new member:
    Xemnas gets a girl called Lexy to join the organization. Marluxia and her are best friends but what they dont know is that Lexy is the daughter of Ralene (Larxenes somebody)

    The trip
    Xemnas makes the organization go on a trip to the real world but Roxas and Larxene get seperated from the group and are stuck in the real world

    Dont worry i will write the Organization band still and chapter 4 will be out real soon

    They will all be writen but #1 goes first to be written #2 will be second and #3 will be third

    EDIT: Ok theres been a change in The new member. It isnt really all that different its just that i made 2 new members, it works and ive written chapter one and two so far because it is coming first but i wont publish untill the poll closes because the results might change by then (Possibly but not likely)
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