Well I am up to the part when you ride the Shoe-pof and I can't beat the thing that does depth charges.... Yuna will never be rescued! Oh well... Please help me..!
Well.... Give Tidus and Wakka weapons that have the lightning element to them. When the battle starts, have Tidus use cheer, and also use haste (if you have it yet, you probably don't) on both characters. When goes in the air, he's about to use depth charges. if you pound on him with wakka, he should come down before he uses depth charges. If he doesn't, use potions right away and conitue to pound on him. he should go down. Just remember to WAIL on him with wakka when he goes in the air, and he should be pretty easy.
he knows cheer what's haste!? I usually start w/ a reg.hit and when he goes up for depth charges i do spiral cut on tidus and elemental things on wakka
Have Tidus cast Haste on himself and Wakka at the beginning of the battle then start using normal attacks. The boss' normal attack Aqua Shooter is very weak and will really require no healing at all. Its only other attack is stronger where it raises up and prepares to let loose some depth charges. It is possible to prevent this attack however by dealing a good amount of damage to the boss and forcing it to come back down. It has an elemental weakness like most Machina to Lightning, so if you have any weapons with Lightningstrike that's a good idea, also if Wakka gets his Overdrive try to aim for the Lightning Reels. It should go down quickly. If that still fails go train up a bit.
Uuuh, just wanna let you know, that doesn't mean anything in Al Bhed.. That's more like 'Reverse Al Bhed' or something, the correct way to say it would be "Mum, sa duu!"
Wakka should have around 650 HP and Tidus should have around 550 HP. If they don't have this much, then you should upgrade your HP. If they do, then work on strength. That seems to be the problem. If you do enough damage to the extractor, when he goes up for depth charges, you can knock it down. I believe it's like 500 HP damage. Stopping depth charges is the most important part, so if you can't work on strength. Hope that helps!!!
Well I remember Doing the Fight and JUst build up your strength if both have 600+ hp and there is a trick to Wakkas Reeels like Cait-Siths I think but I don't know it. Hypello Riding Shoopuf says: Mish Yoona hash been kidnapsed by Al-behdsh (XD!)
ok oh and i looked past your name really fast and i thought it was colly flower (I wasn't wearing my contacts LOL)