I'm working on a thingy and I need a list of staff members, past and present. The honorable discharge pin is not of much help, so help me out her, kiddies.
Darkwatch Arc Anniexo Cin Vivi's dark side *Sora* John S Mish Catch The Rain Darkandroid Roxas Styx Xaldin Boris the Blade Juicy Orange Rosey Repliku Jiku Neon I think that's all of them besides the obvious ones?
You add CtR, but not Roxas-chan and say that these are the non-obvious ones? xD Thanks either way, I didn't have all of these.
fffff I knew I forgot someone Also, there's Cocohints. Edit: Oh, and K a i r i (Peyton). And Kitty. But she's also pretty obvious. Holy crap I never realized so many people were staff.
Ummm HigherBeing Kitty Sara 1_wingedangel (or 1winged_angel.. something like that) Cheal Xehsin Deathspank (as if you would forget this one herp)
I made a (mostly) complete list once, I think it came out to 39 people? I'll see if I still have it. Spoiler 1winged_angel Advent Akio Anniexo AntiWeapon Catch the Rain Chevalier Cocohints Darkandroid DarknessKingdom Deathspank DPWolf Erkz EvilMan_89 Fayt-Harkwind Forsaken iwantedtoexplode Jiku Neon Juicy Kuroudo Sabby Majik Mike Mish Misty Neku NeoCloudStrife Oberon Oerba Yun Fang Peyton Repliku Rosey Roxasvsriku Sara Soku Soushirei Stardust Xaldin Xeshin *Sora* Cin Fayth Hissora John S. Mari Orange Roxas Roxas-chan shadowjak spdude Trigger Vivi's Dark Side Fayth Higherbeing IceKitty MaliciousRelik Monkey Van the Deathseeker That's as of December of last year, so newer staff won't be on it.
Oh wow, I did forget a huge amount of members. Although that's expected since it's been so long. Thanks Misty
1winged_angel Advent Arc Anniexo AntiWeapon (Coder) Aurangzeb56 Boris the Blade Catch the Rain Cheal Chevalier Cin Clawtooth Cocohints Darkandroid DarknessKingdom Darkwatch Deathspank DPWolf Erkz (Coder) EvilMan_89 (Coder) Fayt-Harkwind Fayth Forsaken HigherBeing Hissora IceKitty Ienzo Iwantedtoexplode (Coder) Jayn Jiku Neon John S Juicy Kuroudo Luxord (Coder) Majik (Coder) MaliciousRelik Mari Mike Mish Misty Mixt Monkey NeoCloudStrife (Coder) Oerba Yun Fang (Also known as Kitty) Orange Peyton (Previously known as K a i r i) Plums Repliku Rosey Roxas Roxas-chan Roxasvsriku Sabby shadowjak Soku Soushirei spdude Stardust Styx Tienewman Trigger Ty Vivi’s Dark Side Xaldin Xehsin *Sora* Any one want to look over incase I've forgotten someone, or in my stupidity managed to put someone twice with different usernames? Thanks guys.