I need a second sig......any suppliers? Stock: http://sportsmedia.ign.com/sports/image/article/704/704942/kane-interview-20060504102615524-000.jpg Color: A reddish background? Text: An old flame returns! Gamefreak103
I dunno about that fire background.... may be hard to pull off and do a good job with the sig. I MIGHT try, but if it's not any good, i'll trash eet.
I Could maybe get a Fire back ground if you wanted but i dont think you want sigs from me....Im not the BEST at them...not saying im bad but i shall try okay?
I could give it a shot if you'd like. I've been messing around with fire in Photoshop and this would be a good chance to try out what I've learned thus far. EDIT: How's This? I did the fire in the background like before, then made Kane the same kind of red so he'd blend in better. I thought it looked kind of cool that way, since I've made Undertaker sigs with purple/black hues. http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y122/Nashida/GamefreakSigcopy.jpg
Hang on!I think I have one for you!Lemme check...Got it! [*IMG]http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb8/battyjack/ben%2010/gf103siggy.jpg[/IMG] It's the best I can do without GIMP.