Hello good people of Kh-vids I have a really important question to ask! I need to pick a interesting book for english class that will have a scholarly journal or literary review to support it. I can't think up anything interesting. Anyone have any serious authors? Please give me some interesting book titles!
I would recommend At The Mountains of Madness by H.P. Lovecraft. It's a novella, so it's not terribly long, but it's still a good scare with plenty of scholarly articles on it. Good luck with your assignment.
I'm looking into the book/ play now. My teacher never said I couldn't use a play. Thank you! If you know any other interesting titles let me know!
Hi. I read The Crucible, I didn't like it. I recommend Animal Farm or 1984, both of them are by George Orwell.
^ This. The Crucible is a terribly dull book, and the movie adaptation is awful. Animal Farm and 1984 are really damn good.
You can't really go wrong with Shakespeare. I'd recommend Othello. If you haven't already read it, or it's not on the reading list, To Kill a Mockingbird is fantastic too.
I would say to with Frankenstein by Mary Shelly. A classic recognized far after its time and talks about a lot of creation, a god complex, playing with human life, and a bunch of sciency shit.
O_O Thanks you guys! All these ideas are amazing! I'm going to look into them as soon as class is done! Some class mates also suggested Jane Eyre and the Sherlock Holmes books, since I like mystery and crime.
Is it really a mystery? I got only the general plot from my class mate but it seemed really interesting. I have to read a book interesting enough that I can write an 8 to 10 page paper on...
It has mystery elements to it. It's a bit of a ghost story, I guess? You know that one character, Rochester, has some kind of dark secret, and it puts him (and Jane) in harm's way quite a bit. But you don't find out what the secret is until a good 3/4 of the way into the book, and it's not resolved until the end. It's mostly a romance, though...
For what it's worth, I hated Animal Farm but I had a friend who read 1984 and thought it was okay. If you like mysteries maybe And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie? It's quite famous, although I've never looked into scholarly criticism on it so I don't know how much there is. Your instructor might. I also liked The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas when I chose it for my research paper last year but I must caution that it is LONG, about 1800 pages or so I think, so having to deal with it on a deadline is very stressful.