Well that depends, is the easy one so uninteresting that it'll bore me? If so, then I'd rather read the interesting one.
Well the thing is my English teacher has to approve the book... Maybe I'll just read some Steven King.
In that case, read Mutation. That is moderately interesting. Its at like a Freshmen reading level. Want something cool? Maximum Ride.
Carrie is quite a good one, The Green Mile is excellent, but a bit slow paced. The first few of the Dark Tower-series are quite short too.
I believe Twilight is... *shot Actually if he allows you to read fantasy/fiction the Abarat is an amazing book. Its 388 pages, and it actually has paintings in it. Pretty easy read (like 6-8th grader level) but still amazing in plot.
Why did I see this coming? xD John, if you want a quick read dont choose Stephen King. I'd recommend something but I have a strange taste in books xD
Carrie was actally a good book. One that i'm reading right now is for my schools book club Generation Dead is actually pretty good. I think it's around 396 pages. twilight is a pretty easy read.
Abarat, yes. Ender's game, 1984, Jurassic Park, yes. Warriors, yeah i guess. Maximum ride. HELL NO. Terrible series of books i wanna break the authors hands for writing it.
Honestly, for a Spam Zone thread, I can't see why this thread has barely received any satirical replies.