Be thankful. Guess I managed to hit the 1% again with having the luck of hitting all these shows. Now if you would like to hear it, go check out Tenjou Tenge episode 19
Well played sir, although I still don't appreciate the pun.......wait, did I just make a pun myself?..... And it's funny, you would think I'd have noticed all that after seeing so many different openings. Still, they must be doing something right if it's always there (plus it makes a great transition for a lot of stuff)
While I won't disagree on the opening thing, I've another running gag that I can't find a video compilation of: the fall-into-boob-grab cliche. It's overdone and, frankly, not funny anymore. I'm a straight guy that can enjoy some fan service (Blair from Soul Eater, Yoko from Gurren Lagann, etc) but the whole "OH WHOOPS I SLIPPED AND CONVENIENTLY PERFECTLY OUTREACH MY HAND(S) TO GROPE YOUR BREASTS M'BAD," makes it hard for me to stick with an anime.
That one I realize a lot, but let's not forget the other overused joke that American's used in saying Japanese are perverts. Not a fan of it, but I'm sticking to it, because it's the best answer for all of that. I don't care too much through, because it usually leads to some funny scenes in the anime, and the manga can be amusing too, I just enjoy it in motion. Plus the panicking voice makes it oh-so-much-better
I don't care what "Americans" say about the "Japanese," I myself think it's just an easy trick to keep the (mostly male) audience's interest. It works for some, but for me, the style (which includes the fan service) better not be a substitute for the substance.
I just love how they seem to cry glitter, seriously their tears are so sparkly. Why don't my tears do that...
Because you don't live in an anime. Seriously, if I could choose any style of show to live in, it would definitely be anime
Yeah, or it would be cool to be a cartoon so you could be squished by anvils (because they are always falling out the sky in cartoons) and still survive xD
No thanks, I like keeping my body the way it is, even if it might be a little overweight........... please don't drop an anvil on me....mommy