And the walls here are thin. So anyways, my brother likes to Skype his girlfriend when he gets home from work, which happens to be around the same time that I'm trying to sleep. Trying to sleep in the room which shares most of the wall, and a heat vent, with his room. I can hear every word they say. I told him yesterday. He now Skypes in the living room. The look on his face was priceless. /endofmeaninglesspost
you shouldn't have told him, then you could've recorded it when he said something embarrassing and used it as blackmail later!!
Sorry, but the blood relations of strangers getting it on with other strangers and the initially mentioned stranger that is the sibling of the second listening to them through a wall is not my fetish.
Oddly enough I know what you mean such thin walls. And when I try to sleep all I hear is the squeaking from my next door neighbor's room who are a pair of newlyweds.
No, his conversations kept me up and I have school. Otherwise, I would totally! MWAHAHAHA! Seriously though, I would like to block most of that out. The living room is further from my room than his room. I'm pretty sure he did actually. The look on his face. Heh.
I wish. Like I said, I would like to block most of what was said out. There's a good reason for that. Although, it could have been like that. They stay up hours into the morning after I have passed out from exhaustion.
And when that day comes, I shall rejoice, for I shall have taken out my sleepless nights out on someone else who may or may not be related to the original situation.