In a time where television shows for young adults and adults have great stories, shows like The Glades or Criminal Minds or even, when it was on, House M.D., how come when a CARTOON with good plot, great character development and even some thought to it gets less attention then a show that has no moral, no story, mundane if not stupid premise and no thought or character development at all. That's right, I am talking about how shows like Adventure Time, Regular Show, Annoying Orange and even shows like Step It Up, and Kickin It are doing much better then a great show with everything a show needs to keep attention for the audience, TRON: Uprising. Let's put the viewers of TRON: Uprising and compare them to Adventure Time Episode 1 of Tron Uprising: 1.79 Million viewers Episode 1 of Adventure Time: 2.50 Million Viewers Now lets take a look at the latest episodes of both shows. Episode 7 of TRON: Uprising: .35 Episode 40 of Adventure time: 2.655 How can a show that has no moral and is centered around stupidity have more viewers then a show that has heart and has a moral. Don't give me the "not everyone has Disney XD so they can't always watch TRON: Uprising but everyone has Cartoon Network so everyone can watch it" routine. The fact of the matter is, that even when the premiere on Disney Channel it still did not do as well as Adventure Time's first episode. So explain to me why this is the case? Has humanity just given up on good stories for television much like it has with games that are not First Person war games?
People don't like to think much nowadays. They want something easy and simple so that they don't have to put effort in understanding it. And I'm not talking for older people, in which case it's completely reasonbale to do so, but for younger ages (the age bounds become more and more wider every day). Extremely bad humour that produces stupid jokes and fake laughs is what people seem to like. Combine that with promotion, which is one of the biggest methods to gather crowds. The promotion of garbage is currently in the highest level it has ever been.
Setting aside any comedy or sitcoms for that matter, people mostly just want to see action now a days. They don't really won't complex storylines with character development, and since the people are mostly interested in these sorts of things; the developers of shows have to adapt and make other storylines to fit what the people want. Least that'S most of what I believe , really I can't blame the story developers, I blame it more on society for having such a one-way-thought track that is based on simplicity. Along with this rise of "child-friendly" The shows i once loved are gone and replaced with mediocre , cheesy and typical shows which very little story and many plot holes within the story itself.
I'm pretty sure Cartoon Network is a lot more popular than Disney Channel/XD with the teen/young adult demographic, so that probably has something to do with the ratings. And there are a lot of really sucky live action shows too (I nominate most of the reality tv genre), and they get good ratings, so it's not just a cartoon thing.