This is seriously the most amusing thing I've had in years. I will probably be entertained by it for weeks. Everyone get one. We can start a kazoo choir. Uh, orchestra. Whatever. KHV KAZOO CHOIR MEMBERS! Stardust bobo.the.nut Plums Vi Britannia DPWolf TacoGrenade The Dream Traveler Gobhoblin
The last time I played a kazoo was, well, never. But now I know. They're epic. JOIN ME. I also got a harmonica but it's nowhere near as fun >>; .
I recently suggested we add a kazoo section to our school band. They are amazing instruments. I haz kazoos, can I join too? :3
I still have my first one. xDD The only thing that can even compete with the entertainment of a kazoo is a slidewhistle. :'D
Ah Kazoos. One of the few instruments that you can learn in 15 seconds. Right up there with the triangle, the harmonica, and all those other bullcocky "instruments". But yes I'll join.
Actually I'm playing my harmonica right now and it's just about impossible to get a decent song out of it. xD Also don't forget the recorder! :lolface: -adds-