I haven't thought of a title for it yet ='[

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Xella_XV, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. Xella_XV Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 7, 2010
    In my own world
    Far Horizon

    I’m walking along the beach
    I see the sun setting in the horizon but it’s too far for me to reach.
    The breezy air is blowing into my face and through my hair.
    The sunset is so pretty, it’s so hard not to stare.

    The wind carries the smell of the ocean to my nose
    This is my island and nobody else knows.
    There’s nice warm sand underneath my feet,
    And the ocean waves covers them like a light silky sheet.

    I have a perfect guy in mind,
    He’s very cute and very kind.
    He tells me that he’ll be there for me till the end.
    And he knows when something is wrong even though I pretend.

    He loves me for who I am.
    I know he’ll protect me like a shepherd is to a lamb.
    Sometimes, I want to cry about my past.
    I now know that he’s a keeper and that we will last.

    He makes me feel like I have a purpose in life.
    Maybe one day, I’ll become his wife.
    He puts a smile on my face every day.
    I only hope that it’s here to stay.

    This perfect guy finally comes up behind me,
    He wraps his arms around me as we look out at the sea.
    Leaning down, he whispers in my ear,
    “I love you, my dear.
    And you will always have a place in my heart.”
  2. king_mickey rule Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 18, 2008
    Very good poem, although I think it should be 'And you will always have a place ...'?

    Anyways I really like it because the last 2 sentences can have 2 meanings.
    1) He stays with her as most would think or;
    2) He's actually saying goodbye and telling her he will always remember her.

    But that's my opinion on the story n.n. As for a title idea ... hmm ... how about 'Far Horizon', horizon in this case can have 'future' as it's meaning? Just putting this out there, I hope I helped ya a little bit, keep up the good work!
  3. Xella_XV Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 7, 2010
    In my own world
    Oh, thanks on the editing. I forgot to fix that part. It is supposed to be "will"

    I actually wrote this poem when my 3rd ex was being an ass hole to me and I wrote it, telling myself I'll find the right guy some day. To not give up. This past April, I found the guy described in the poem.

    And "Far Horizon" is a great name for it. Thank you