Does anyone feel the way I do? I feel nothing inside. My heart has frozen in ice due to all the times its been broken. I don't have any emotions anymore. And I don't loathe this feeling of nothingness because it helps me deal with the pain I feel. I don't have any emotions but I'm still in pain. If you can offer anything that might help that we be greatly appreciated.
Go cry in your corner emo kid./completely just kidding, don't hurt me. You say you have no emotion, when in reality, you do, you just wanna believe that you don't because there's probably a certain way you want to be. Toughen it out; I'm not saying this to be a jerk, but I'm serious. Are you a teenager? I'm assuming so; when I was about thirteen and fourteen, I felt like my world was just crashing down every day, even when things were going good and nothing bad happened. My world was crashing because I wanted it to, because I thought I would make myself feel special. I'm not saying that's the case with you, but I'm relaying an experience I've had. Cheer up, "having no emotion" isn't the end of the world.
It is kind of interesting how much your mind can compare to your body. It isn't a perfect analogy but I find it very helpful at times. Have you ever injured your self badly (like maybe a broken bone) and gone into shock. You end up not feeling much of anything but in that little bit that you can still feel there is pain. Alternatively it could be something smaller that's persistent. A common thing I've heard on that is if you put a frog in a bot of water and then slowly heat it to a boil, the frog won't jump out because it never realized something was wrong. I've seen people go through what you are now and most of the time it is exactly that. You've undergone enough pain recently that you start to turn off your emotions, but underneath it it all there is still the pain that caused you to do so to begin with. There is nothing wrong with it as long as you don't start to identify yourself with this feeling of apathy. Unfortunately there is not much you can do to get out if it other than wait it out. There are two key things that might help the process along. First, is to deal with anything that is causing the pain if you can. Coming back out of your shell is very hard if whatever forced you into it is waiting outside. And second is to keep yourself in a good environment. With the desensitivity it is very easy to become withdrawn, don't let yourself do this. At least not entirely. Keep a group of friends with you to support you. If something gets you down, let them help you through it. If it's good or bad share it with the people around you and express yourself. You might have to fake it for a while, but the emotions to back it up will come. Also, if you want to talk about anything but don't want it open on the forum, please talk to me. Shoot me a PM or whatever, I'll talk to you through just about any medium you want. I'm a pretty good secret keeper.
Join the club. You have emotions. Emotions made you post this. You just control them. And so do I... It will be the death of us in the end. Someone will break us again, just you wait. Or rather, we will break ourselves again. Apathy is all well and good until you start feeling jealous of other people's love for each other. It will get to me soon, I know it...
Isn't pain an emotion? It's sadness, frustration, embarrassment, regret or loss, all of which are emotions. You still have desires, which count as emotions. For example, you care about receiving help, so clearly you find the present situation displeasing. That's an emotion. It's fear of death, hope that things will improve and appreciation of what you have now that prevents you from jumping in front of a bus. Those are also emotions. You're sad and hurting, due to past experiences, but you're not emotionless. So I'd argue that instead of lacking emotion, you're merely unable to recognise it as such. To remedy this, try to figure out why you take actions you do (or don't). For example, I do not attempt to murder passerbys on the street, because it would make me -sad- to be separated from the outside world and locked up. Also, I -fear- potential retaliation. That's an extreme example, but you can apply the same idea to other parts of you life. Why do you bother going to school? Logging onto KHV? Talking to friends? Not talking to enemies? If you think about all of that, then you can use your actions as prompts to work out what emotions you feel. If you genuinely do not care about anything, then get a job and start sending money to me. You don't have any reason not to, after all, and I could use the cash. Ah well. Eventually you'll realise that even if apathy is great for numbing pain, it has one glaring flaw: it's boring as hell. A bit of emotion makes life interesting, no matter whether it's negative or positive.
I feel something similar, but it isn't not feeling emotion. It's just I tell myself that I don't care, that is how I deal with problems. It isn't fun to feel this way, I can only offer you this . . . Never give up on people, one day someone will come through for you. One day you will have your heart mended. They say time heals all wounds, and there is a truth behind this. What they don't say is the wounds will still be there just covered with a new layer. You have to realize that your emotions are not gone, they are simply behind a wall. In time this wall will come down, brick by brick. When it is finally gone you will feel better, I promise. Things may seem tough now but I will leave you with this. "Learn from Yesterday, Live for Today, and Hope for Tomorrow" -Albert Einstein
I feel that way too Accalia, sometimes I can be so emotionless, I can think how most emotions are useless, and how life can go on withought them. But, I just overshadow myself with someone i'm not, I use my emotions against me, which is stupid, my story is broken, but you can rebuild yours, I can rebuild mine, we can rebuild it together peice by peice, it's not too late. Life is an endless story, even at the very "end", you learn the secret to the end. Remember, "To gain, is to loss."
Not too fond of the idea of losing face over this, but a proper gent can't leave a heart-broken lady be, so take these words to heart: I know how heart-break hurts, so I can relate to you on that, really, I can, but as far as advice goes, the best advice I can give you is to find something you love doing and dedicate your time to it. Keeping yourself busy with something you like will not only help you keep your mind off things, but it'll let you develop in whatever it is you're doing until you develop a sort of satisfaction. Not to talk about myself here, but the last time I had gone through an emotional trauma, my soul felt like an immense heap of dog s*** and I was angry and hateful towards everything. A few months later, I find my guitar and I started playing again, and that helped me get my head back together. Just go find something that gives you a feeling of satisfaction. The rest comes with time. These things pass, but you have to let them.
You have no emotions... man, i kinda envy you... I have plenty of trouble with my fragile heart and i feel too much over too little... I love a guy but he speaks about me like im a disgusting animal. No one can really relate to what ive been through and i wish they'd all screw off... I wish i didnt have as much emotion but being without them almost makes you inhuman imo. Im not saying that you're inhuman but feelings and emotions make us mortal. Pain is a part of life and even if we come out of life with many battle scars there's always those moments of peace and joy that you wouldn't change for the world... I have a few of those myself and im STILL hurting but we've gotta forgive and forget, there's always logic in madness...
I understand the feeling of being broken to the point where you are not sensitive to tragedy anymore, but the pain is there. Pain from something that is happening in your life is only numbed by the fact that their can be so much of it that it's overwhelming and unreal. But the numb feeling that you're experiencing is only your way of dealing with the pain you have to go through. I don't know exactly how to advise you more than just: take it all one step at a time. Try to see what the actual problem is and fix it. I know most of my problems come from my family life, but they are getting better by talking about them. My parents make me feel unwanted blahblahblah, I talk it out with them and it seems like everyone is more on the same page with each other. If it's about a friendship or a relationship and the person is treating you badly take into consideration how much the situation means to you. Is this person worth all the pain you are experiencing? I don't know how else to advise you since i can only give general statements, since you aren't getting into specifics. But the point is get to the source and try to work it out. I don't want to be harsh, but sitting down feeling nothing all day is not going to make you feel any better or make any pain of yours suddenly disappear. Idle hands are the devil's workshop; in other words, if you dwell on your thoughts and do nothing about it, you are just going to put yourself down even more into this "nothing". Good luck dear. I hope this makes sense and helps you.