I have just rented Frozen, from what I've seen here on the forums you guys have made it out to be amazing. With that said, I'm putting myself into a Disney mood and am about to press play. I hope it doesn't disappoint.
Finally! I feel like I'm the only person whose seen it! It really gets interesting when they're stuck on the ski lift. It's slow when it starts out, but when they get to that point...Oh; Disney. Sorry, thinking of another movie.
It's decent. I've always hated Disney's CGI stuff (though Tangled was totally a step in the right direction), but Frozen managed to be about as good as any 2D Disney film.
Just finished it and I thought it was pretty good although it does have some problems. Here's what I thought of it. Pros: -Decent sound track -Animation looks great -Likable main characters -Comic relief isn’t too distracting Cons: -Somewhat predictable plot points -Elsa’s unexplained powers/curse -boring villains Even with it's problems it's still a good movie, good to see Disney still cares about its animation studio. That movie was boring... Yohohohohohoho!
can we just reply to him by saying this from now on until he changes his name It's really like my favorite name change on this forum. I love Brook.
Wanting to separate yourself from the hype so you can have as much of a genuine, uninfluenced experience on your own seems like a bad stance to you?
Yeah, because you can still make your own opinion separate from the hype. I watched Sword Art Online when it was still super popular and that didn't affect what I thought of it. It's not as hard as you may think.
Watching something with this caliber of hype can cause people to unintentionally criticize things unnecessarily (exhibit A: naysayers of TDK when it came out) and I don't want to do that. I'm going to wait for thy crazy amounts of praise and hype to be less prevalent before I watch it. Regardless of what you think I think, I want to view this with as few expectations as possible = not watching it any time soon. maybe sometime this summer if I can help it.
Isn't that case with most of the Disney movies that were good? Especially the more famous ones from our younger years