Do they still make the two dollar canadian coin? Because I just found a two dollar canadian coin from 1996 in my sock drawer. And I've never been to Canada, so I'm also wondering how I got it.
I put it in there. Coming from our neighbours down south who leave out the "u" in almost everything, eh?
Just because we leave a vowel out, which doesn't change the pronunciation of said words you're speaking of, does not mean you should point it out as an insult.
You out of all people would know that my measly implication will not deter the amazing language that is American.
I wouldn't call the language, American, per-say. It's Americanized English, in my view. I still call it English, but I will not say that I speak Americanized English. That's when you sound ******ed.
No, merely expressing my opinion on your statement. We shall have a formal debate at another time, good sir.