Kingdom Hearts II I have a problem regarding Stardust Sweep; Could someone help me?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts Help' started by MetroidMewtwo, Jun 18, 2009.

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  1. MetroidMewtwo Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2009
    I'm sorry if this isn't the place to make a thread and ask(I'm new here, as you can tell), but if it is, then just tell me where I'm supposed to take this thread.

    Anyway, I'm having a strange problem with Stardust Sweep that's impairing my ability to get 100% on it; I'm missing one treasure item somewhere in mission 2.

    It shouldn't be so bad since I know what enemy holds it(a golden Cyclops, which I guess is the humanoid, stationary enemies that pop up in that stage) and even what special enemies it's in between(it's after the Hunter, which I'm certain is the giant cone-shaped enemy, but before a red Knight Head), except... I don't see it.

    I literally keep my eyes peeled open every single time I run through the mission, yet no matter what I do, every time I destroy the Hunter and move on, I see no golden Cyclops. Hell, what annoys me even more is that the red Knight Head that's supposed to show up sometime after the Hunter's dead, shows up INSTANTLY after the Hunter's destroyed!

    So where the crap is this golden Cyclops I need to kill to have 100% on mission 2? If anyone can help me out, TYiA.
  2. Toshi Banned

    Apr 27, 2007
    Errr... which game are we talking about?
  3. MetroidMewtwo Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2009
    ... Um... KH2. Mission 2 of Stardust Sweep. One of the first two Gummi Ship routes available in the game.

    EDIT: *sighs*nevermind... I finally found this Gold Cyclops. Not only was he where I thought he was in the mission(the same spot there's a red Cyclops in mission 1, right before the camera view switches to the right for the last time), but it seems I had to ignore a lot of enemies that spawn after the Hunter's dead before the Cyclops itself spawned. That or I had to kill almost all the other Cyclops' in the stage up to that point, I don't know.
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