How do I forget a girl I used to like? The thing is, I've already accepted that shes not my type, she barely pays attention to me despite the fact we sit next to each other in class, and I've pretty much told myself for days that it wouldn't work out, but the strange thing that I can't tell if I still like her or not. I've sort of come to the conclusion that if I just forget about her it would do me better, perhaps motivate me to find some other girl who likes me back. As you can see I'm on the fence here...its that stupid cliche in which "my mind is telling me one thing and my heart is telling me another." I honestly just want to choose...any advice? Thanks for taking the time to read this by the way.
Oh, I felt the same way a while ago, I'm still got a little feeling for this guy... Anyway, Why do you sit with her? If its assigned seats, look the other way, if its not, sit on the other side of the room! Usually, girls are very nice and understanding to boys, try to talk to her a bit, even if it just means saying hi, bye. then at least you're not completely ignoring her. try to be friends with her so at least you have a reason not to like her! You guys can be 'just friends'. Trust my advice, you're in a sticky situation and i'm in the same one. My advice worked for me. the best advice always sucks when you read it, just bear with me for a little.
The harder you actively try to forget something, the more you'll end up thinking about it anyway. Just have patience.
Well if you can't stop thinking about her then your she clearly means something to you. The last thing you want to do is regret not summoning up the courage to at least talk to her. Become friends, find out what you have in common and simply go from there.
If you can't take you're mind off her, then either try liking somebody else, or become so distracted from her that you forget about her completly.
Well, I would say that if you know she isn't interested in you in that way and you are already dealing with it by telling yourself so, you are on the road to moving on. It's hormones now that have to find a new outlet and that can be a bit of a struggle but your logical mind sooner or later can win out. Try doing some other things that will entertain you such as hanging out with friends and meeting new people. She's one girl and there are others out there to be friends with and also get to know more than that. If you focus your attention elsewhere, even if she is in your class, you'll be better off. This isn't to say I think you should 'ignore' her as others suggest. I think that you basically need to focus on getting your 'heart' and your 'mind' to agree that she's better off as a friend or acquaintance. I've liked girls and a part of me definitely knew the relationship was not going to evolve further than as friends which could be somewhat disheartening, but I came to the conclusion that basically if I liked the girl enough to be attracted to her, it was probable I liked things about her that also made her 'friend'-worthy. I hope that makes sense to you, but at least if you two can be amiable to each other, and you can spread yourself out more to meet others and hang out with friends and other girls, you might find someone else out there who you know would work out and you have a girl who you must have some respect for to like in the first place as a potential friend. If it is too much emotionally for you to cope with, perhaps you do have to 'ignore' her and all, but I will say that in life unfortunately, you are going to be meeting others who you might want to go out with, but it simply won't happen so it's a good idea to learn how to cope with it early so you aren't so disappointed or devastated later. Rejection is a part of life that sucks but you learn to deal with it because really, it's not meant to be a personal attack on you or to say you are 'not worthy'. You too, in this situation, do see she's not the right girl for you, but it seems you like her otherwise too so hopefully you can sort out the other feelings. I hope you feel better soon about things and this helped you out at all. Good luck!
Hmmmm... I had a similar problem, I eventually told myself that it wouldn't work, even though as if everything looked perfect. It's a very hard thing to get over, to this day I look back on it and say, "Wow, I'm sure glad I got over her." but the point is, give it some time, hopefully you'll find somebody else. :D
Totally normal..which doesn't say much coming from me but, I used to like this boy and he liked me back but for awhile I wondered if I still liked him, then he became a stalker.Now I don't like him. Oh Gawddd..This Isn't Good Advice after all.