Coming back from dropping my mom off at work from lunch, I'm waiting while traffic takes its sweet ass time getting going after the light's already been green for a few seconds so I can go into the left turn lane to turn, and some jackass passes me and goes into the oncoming lane so they don't have to wait. The damn moron got a good taste of the horn. To make matters worse, this was the third incident today for me. Stupid jackasses. Anyway, I was about where the vehicle I highlighted was:
Amaury you should become a cop and then you can bust these bums and do it in the name of the law srsly
Amaury, you seem to have a lot of these incidents happen to you, so let me give you a piece of wisdom that my grandfather passed down to me. If you meet a few people who act like assholes to you, it means that you've run into a few assholes. If everybody acts like an asshole to you, it means you're the asshole.
Using that analogy, if five people cut me off in one day at five different intersections, we're all *******s? That doesn't sound right, because you're basically calling me an ******* because I got cut off and acting like it's my fault they cut me off.
You're going to have a hard time around where I live. The roads here are pretty much like that 24/7. And go be a cop. That's pretty cool.
Okay, let me rephrase that so it fits the situation better. What if, and I'm just spitballin' here, you're the one who was doing something wrong and not realizing it? What if they had the right of way and you were about to cut them off?
In that situation, yes, but, while I'm not the best driver in the world, I'm a pretty good driver and hardly ever make mistakes that bad. The worst my mom says I do sometimes is come up behind someone too fast or get too close to someone that's stopped. My intersection example was more based around two-way stops, with me having the right of way.
Can we elect cops? I elect Amuary, and a duck, because I need to see what ducks look like dressed up as cops.
I want to say I have seen much worse on one of the main roads here but that implies the traffic actually moves.
I was gonna do that thing where I make a brony reference just because but then I was like no ... I have road rage so toleration levels are kind of low when I'm behind the wheel. Just crank the tunes, give them the bird, and keep on trucking. I'm always relaxed when I sing in my car. It helps keep you awake, mostly alert, and it can turn a long trip into a short drive. Everyone is like this, Amaury. There will never be a day when it will be safe to drive. There's always an idiot out there. Ten percent offense and ninety percent defense. That's what you signed up for when you got your license. -Nights
Miami drivers are awful, and most, if not all of the things you bring up happen down here on a regular basis. I'd have to keep backing the cop suggestion because you'd honestly make them more money on tickets and citations than anyone down here.
wow i wasn't even going to dignify this with a response but i have something to say dear lord no -- everyone would get pulled over for going 1mph over or not adjusting their speed in bad weather.
Just goes to show that you suddenly seem to dislike me. I actually speed myself, but no more than 5 MPH over, so that's ruled out. The second one, however, I would because driving too fast for conditions causes wrecks.
I'm sure he'd do a lot better than me. I'd just let all the idiots go at it. You know, natural selection and all that. You wanna drive sixty down a fifty after just getting a foot of snow ... more oxygen for me. Seriously, I'm a dick about this stuff. Amaury would be saving lives. I'd be watching it all happen from the side of the road while I drink my hot chocolate. -Nights