And only you can solve it! Okay, so Monica Rial is going to be coming to a local anime con this weekend. There's going to be two autograph pannels but I'm most likely only going to make it to one of them. We are instructed to only bring one thing for her to sign (besides our programs) in order for everyone to meet her. My problem is, what should I bring! This is where you come in KHV! Should I have her sign: Soul Eater Volume 2 Manga (It has Tsubaki on the cover) Soul Eater Playing Card (Tsubaki on the 4 of Clubs) My Bride is a Mermaid Volume 1, Disk 2 cover (Maki is on the cover). I know that this is probably a very useless problem, but I'm bored and need an idea.
>.> I should've known to do a check before I posted this. You'll always find something wrong with what I post. I"m talking about the DVD box cover. And you should come; you're, like, only an hour away. There are tons of Kingdom Hearts and Bleach cosplayers.
I know you were talking about it. Still, never heard of it being done. XD An hour away? To see cosplayers!? OH JOY. ...Yeah...I dunno. School might actually keep me slightly busy this semester. >>