I had a dream and its ASAP

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by MandyXRiku4ever, Jun 10, 2010.

  1. MandyXRiku4ever Twilight Town Denizen

    May 11, 2009
    Ok so i had a dream about my mom last nite. She was driving the car over the river and was making it until there was this hummer type car speed in the opposite direction and went SMACK! As they collide she called out''Baby! don't give up! I love you..." was what i heard her say. And when the two cars sunk and drown i also realized i was all by myself in this park. I was wearing a white night gown. Then i heard muffling of someone calling my name. I woke up and realized i was outside in my pool wearing my PJ's.
    I hadn't sleeped walked since her death so i don't kno why i slept walk. I'm scared tonite that i'll do that again so any suggestions?
    by the way, for those of you wnho don't know my mom died in a car crash, a hummer hit her and the car rolled three times. By the time the paramedics got there it was too late to save her.
    I'm usually dreaming about pillows not about death so this dream with her in it hasn't happened since i was thirteen. It took me sixmonths to stop only to realize i was actually in a state of depression.
    my dad doesn't think so but is starting too and i don't wanna go to the hospital during vacation so any help please?
    So i can fix it while i have control at leaste? thank you for helping me.
  2. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    Well, this personally has never happened to me, what happened to you. But what I do every night before I go to bed is clear my bad thoughts out of my mind, think of only good things, maybe things coming up, past fun experiences, stuff like that. I havent had a nightmare in forever.
  3. Phazeun Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 13, 2010
    I wouldn't necessarily "Clear Bad Thoughts" because, that will just make Mandy think of it more.

    I'm sorry about your mother, Mandy. I hope it gets better for you.

    Do you know exactly how you got down to your pool? Like, did you open your door, and walk out to it? Maybe a window? I'd say if you are scared of it happening again, I would lock the doors/windows/trap doors (LoL) anything that may be able to access you to another area.

    I'm so sorry, I never knew what it felt like to loose a parent. If it helps, just remember, you are in control of your body and mind.
