Last Friday I decided to go to the pet store to look at cute animals and totally fell in love with a guinea pig!! Her name is Pinta and she is the sweetest thing!! she loves to "popcorn", which is hopping around when they are happy or excited. She also "wheeks" when she hears noises that sound like a bag because she things she's getting food and ITS SO ADORABLE *cuteness overload* I am very happy playing with her and look forward to coming home from school or work to see her cute little chubby face akufgsdkjfsg Anyways, that's my update KHV...sorry I've been less active, life is busy, but I still lurk around every once in a while :D
You should get another female, Guinea Pigs are very social animals and love company. My sister and I have one named Lieutenant (we call him Louie) we don't have another one though, with the whole male territorial thing.
YOU PLAY WITH HER RIGHT NOW. I mean, pictures please. c: It's nice to see other people's pets. I sometimes get tired of seeing my cats and bearded dragon around the house. >.> <.<