I did. I finally told the 24 year old guy I loved him. And he said he's fine with it.....I wonder if he loves me too? I'll ask him. But I told him that every time he was hurt it had hurt me too. Such as when he was stabbed last year. I told him I literally cried when I got the news. I told him it had made me wonder if I'd ever see him again. I just wanted to know he was okay but he was in surgery. I soon found he was okay. I was so happy then but I still cried thinking about him being stabbed. If any of you were wondering, I love Neku. Or Jestin to some of you. Please wish me luck.
This makes me extremely nostalgic. I used to be best friends with him. xD I wonder if you're being serious or not. I can never tell these days. Either way, doesn't seem like you need much "Help with Life" so I don't think it was necessary to post this. But, um... Congatularions/good luck...?
every so often. if she really wanted to be taken seriously, it could have been in her sig or something.
It's here because she's asking for opinions, which is confirmation that she made the right choice, which is Help With Life. Period. Now back on-topic or I'll have your posts deleted. I take it that by love you mean more than being interested in an adventure. In that case... The guy's 24. I know that girls often dig guys that are slightly older, but don't expect the same thing from him. He probably has a job by now and is finding his way in the big world. He's in a very different environment already even if you share common interests. The last thing he needs is a girlfriend who's still in school. If I were him, I'd gently decline. EDIT: Okay, so you're 17. That means my point stands. Three cheers for you if everything works out. But that's a big if.
But there is a distance between you? In that case it has a somewhat bigger chance of working out. In that case I'd just delay the eventual getting together thing long enough (i.e. until your environments are a little more...alike).
We really can't say if you did the right thing or not since we don't anything between you two. Only you know. And if you're unsure whether or not it was right, then are you sure you do love him? Stating the obvious here, but beware of folk you meet on the internet, regardless if you think you know them.
You are very correct in this. I've known a lot of 'troubled' people on the internet, I myself was one such person. I attempted a cross seas relationship, always planning hoping that if we'd wait a few more years, I'd get money and go visit, try and get a job where she lives and live happily ever after together. Let me say that plans are never fullproof. Still I have no real regrets form the relationship, I gained a close friend, and learnt how to deal with my life better. Take each step day by day and discuss any concerns you have with him. The more you trust in him, the more he should trust in you. THe age gap will have some effect on how the realtionship goes. Don't think that age doesn't matter, because at the yound stage of life you're both in at the moment, everything is concerned with age. Look all I can really say is that as long as the relationship is two way, where you both care for each other, I wish the best of luck for you.