I don't normally make a thread about these things....but this is different. It's embarrassing to say this but I got no one to tell this to. Anywho there's this plug outlet in the back of my bed, the top part works fine but the bottom part is broken off with only a metal sticking out. On strange occasions I would sometimes use that plug for my phone charger so that I can use it while it's charging. Well today when I plugged it in, the right metal plug got stuck inside the broken outlet. I told my grandma and uncle about it (got extremely pissed) and so my uncle tried to pull it out using a plastic plier. It didn't work. So my grandma thought about unscrewing the outlet then taking it off- it started to spark alot. So finally my uncle turned off the entire power in the house to take off the outlet. My grandma (which is extremely pissed at me) told me to stand by the outside door in case of fire. While she ordered me to put all my dogs in the restroom. So when they finished and put the power back on, my uncle's Xbox 360 broke because of the power turned off. I see him just sitting there in the living room with a expression on his face saying "I can't believe you actually did this". He told me that all of this wouldn't happen if I listened and not do anything here I want. So basically it's my fault that his X-box broke. That part didn't bother that much , but what really bothered me is that apparently even though the outlet is pulled off, it already sparked meaning that the house can caught on fire anytime. So if my grandma or uncle dies it's basically my fault. If my dogs die or the house is on fire it's still my fault either way. The horrible part about it is that I have no choice but to have my dogs in my room cause they can't be in outside nor does grandma want them roaming in the house. So meanwhile my uncle is screaming at his broken xbox I decided that I'm going to sleep in my room and if anything.does happen.....so be it. It was my fault and stupidity in the first place. Basically everything.is my fault. Sorry has no meaning on me, I can't do anything to apologize. It's my fault if they really do. I'm just kinda depressed that I actually caused this many damage because of one tiny ****ing mistake. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm so stupid I swear I **** up at everything
Hey, things happen from time to time. Honestly, had the plug been fixed before hand nothing would've went wrong. That's the way I look at it. And if it's still sparking after your grandma and uncle fixed it then they didn't do a very good job. I don't thing the entirety of the blame falls upon you. I've had plenty of these moments where your stomach goes into knots, and you regret it so much. But I got over it with time. It's just a part of life. We learn from the past and move on. Hope this helped.
Wouldn't the better option be to to cover up the plug with some plastic? That way the plastic would stop the sparks and if you smelt something melting it would be warning to get out of the house. And With dogs in your room they would smell it first and warn you about it.
As Nights said, things happen and you learn from your mistakes. So don't feel you should take full blame on this. (: if the plug is still sparking, you should let them know right away. It's better they know and be upset than to risk your life. A life is more important than having a functioning Xbox ^-^
Well, everyone makes little mistakes from time to time, it's a part of life. That's how we grow, we mess up and learn, and become better. But then I mean you didn't do any of it on purpose, so really don't be too hard on yourself! And I agree with Nights, this would've never happened if the plug wasn't left damaged. If it's really a danger though, you guys ought to call an electrician ASAP so no one gets harmed. And look on the bright side, nothing really really bad happened, no fire, no one hurt. :)
Having a broken outlet next to your bed isn't exactly safe, yes the situation you are in now is dangerous but it was before. Most you can do is call an electrician to get your house looked at, that is the most immediate thing, you should not be living in fear of (and in danger of) fire. As for your uncle's Xbox, he is directing his anger at you. You did not purposefully mess with the socket, nor were you the one to switch off the house's power without first thinking about what that may do to your electronic components. I think he'll calm with time. And you don't know that the Xbox is broken--try using a different power cord and see if it works. If it really is broken, though, if you have a job you could try to make some money to help him get a new one.