I exempted all of my exams (crazy adventure ensues)

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by 61, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    okay, it's not crazy at all, but still.

    So today I found out that I exempted all of my exams, so excited. I've got nine weeks left of high school and not having to take mid-terms is going to be nice. Anyway, to celebrate I decided that I would hang out with some friends.

    They picked me up at about 4:30 and we drove to mall about 45 minutes away because one of the guys I was with (2 other guys, me, and one girl) had just gotten payed and wanted to shop some. After that we went to this organic food market with a ton of vegan stuff because the other two guys are vegan so they're into that sort of thing. We stayed down in that area till about 8:30 then we took the girl home. After that we went back to one of the guys house for an hour thinking of something to do, and at about 9:30 we decided we would call this person who goes to school with us and go to her house and see whats up. We went to her house and as it turned out her Japanese cousin was visiting, she's Korean btw, and we stayed there for about an hour and a half. Her cousin is learning English so she had us ask her some questions and stuff like that, it was awkward and fun. The girl who goes to school with us told us about how she learned English and stuff like that, and this eventually led to a discussion where she told us about all these weird Korean and Japanese games and stuff. At some point her parents got home and when her mom came in and greeted us and stuff and then her dad came in the room shouting "WHAT'S UUP!" It was hysterical because we had never seen him before and he was obviously trying to give off this 'cool dad' impression, either that or he just is a cool dad. Anyway, I just got home, and I am exhausted.

    So yeah, no exams, fun afternoon and evening. Not a bad day.

    edit: while we were at the guys house he played piano for us and his family for about 20 minutes. he's so good
  2. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    this was a nice story

    Congrats on getting exempt from all your exams though, I think I had to sit for only one (not including the AP I took) during senior year--and that was only because I wouldn't get a certificate of completion for the class if I didn't (it was a technical/networking class). Like you I learned a month or two before the year ended that I wouldn't have to take them so unfortunately that was when my laziness really set in.
  3. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011

    Well, actually the exams that I exempt are next week. I'll have Final Exams the last week of school in 9 weeks (not including spring break.) I'll be able to exempt those as well, assuming my grades permit. My laziness set in at the start of this semester. It was a pretty dangerous thing and almost caused me to not be able to exempt my physics exam, but I got it under control in time, that's why I was so excited when I found out I exempt. To be honest I'm running on fumes now, knowing that it will all be over in 9 weeks is very comforting.
  4. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    Congrats! It's nice to here happiness in life because my week has been terrible and it's just pleasant.