That's one funky picture! :D Very sharp colour though, very tricky to pull off well - this isn't half bad! The shadows are where they belong, I just miss some more light caused by the electricity (or is it the sun?) here and there. The girl's hair looks too flat because the shadows on her is too weak - it needs some darker shadows in the parts where you know the light wouldn't reach (goes for the whole body) - also remember that the darkest part in the shadows on the ground is by the root of the subject, if you add a little extra amount of dark where the shadow starts (poles as well) it will look more real. The yellow/orange light is too sharp coloured - when you want to colour a sharp light reaching out there should be more of the white, and very vaguely of the colour. And if the fence is made of metal the highlights and shadows on it would be very sharp, that is how metal works. The horizon looks too flat - you should shade it as well, make the sky lighter since it's a sunny day, and let it show on the ground. If you can change opacity, can use an eraser tool and can make many layers, this shouldn't be a problem for you. :3
That's pretty fast, man. :> If you are going for a bigger project one day take your time, and really study how the picture would look like in real life. There is no shame in having hordes of layers! :x
Yeha i was trying to make it look like a kind of a darkish day and got lazy and just kinda threw colours at it. I do take time and pride in my line art though ^_^ and if its something important i can take out to days doing it.
The perspective is pretty good - now that I look at it again the girl's shoulders should possibly be wider, and it is possible to shade the joints on her arms so that you can see they're round shaped.
That electric thing is meant to be sun glare >> yeah it sucks cause its the first time ive ever dont that
That's really impressive! Comic book-worthy art style, to tell you the truth. The shadows are accurately placed, the angling is perfect and I like what you did with the fence, there. Good stuff :noworries: .
Very nice. I think that the girls left arm looks a little weird though, but that's really all that I see wrong with it.