Why do I even bother trying to understand who stands where in the hierarchy of power in this universe? Every time it seems like there's someone that stands at the top, I find out somehow there's an even bigger form that dwarfs the so-called "invincible" being. I mean come on, how much of this stuff is even canon to each other and not? I just think about this guy And I end up wondering how the flying fluck stuff even works in that universe, and if the writers aren't on something when they right this stuff now. I mean, how do you even keep track of it all? Not too mention, if you can kill this guy, who is essentially God for Marvel, and then can kill those guys.....I'm just going to stop there, my brain hurts.
Pro-tip: Don't look up the strongest characters of any established long-running comic universe. Usually they're just the writers saying "Fuck it, here's some stupid stuff that makes no sense because we just KNOW there will be plenty of arbitrary lists for people who don't read much comics." Looking for sense in doing that is like swimming to get dry.
Let's not forget that the Living Tribunal (who has been killed) has a boss called the One Above All, who is omni-everything and pretty much considered God, although Galactus was created as an analogy for God for the Fantastic Four to fight and then there's the god-like Celestials, one of which is called the One Above All, but he's different than the other One Above All.
The sad thing, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is going to be getting into the Infinity Gauntlet stuff in just a few years. Once they do that, all logic of those movies will be gone for good
Keep it simple: It is in portuguese but it says: "Super heavy: Hulk, Thor, Hercules, Iron man Hulk: Hulk should get his own category Thor: There is no match for me on earth Hercules: Your strenght only comes close to my own. Iron man: With a suitable energy source I can maintain this level for 10 seconds. Heavy hitters: Thing, namor, Doc Samson, Vision, Tundra,black bolt Thing: No fair spidey, I should be in the previous list Namor: In the ocean my strength is supreme Doc: I am Doc samson, I have the strength of a calm hulk ... it is a pitty that Hulk is never calm Tundra: I Should be at a higher tier don't you think Black bolt? Black Bolt: "....." medium weight: Valkyrie, She- Hulk, , Luke Cage, Silver Surfer, Colossus, Ghost rider, Spider man Valkyrie: I am the greatest warrior at asgard She hulk: When you get to know me, you will change your impression about my powers spidey Luke Cage: Luke Cage among this bunch? I pitty the fool... Silver Surfer: Why would one need strength, when one have cosmic powers at his side? Colossus: I am still a teen just wait for me to grown Spider man: That is were I stand light weight: Tigra, Nighthawk, werewolf, Spider woman,beast, captain britain Tigra: Do you think I should be here? Nighthawk: I am twice as strong a normal human, and cosplay as batman. Werewolf: Grrr Spider woman: I am stuck in between a werewolf and a beast! Captain britain: I am the spirit of britain of old. The rest: "They don't have super strenght, but trainend their body to the fullest"