I know, spent that time cooling down. Kind of a sequel thread to this thread. http://kh-vids.net/threads/i-hate-november.142687/
I'm working the same hours I usually do, they'll just be a tad bit more busier then usual due to a couple of the sales being then. I don't really care since they didn't give me weird hours like last year.
Every black friday I debate whether or not life is worth it, much less if the job is worth it. One year I had a lady spit in my mouth because we ran out of flashdrives. The next year, since I was a higher up, I had to work a majority of the hours in the twenty-one hours we were open that day, so in-between shifts I slept on the grating in our back room because it was the only place I'd be out of the way. Same year, someone was actually trampled hard at wal-mart while people were being arrested in the mall I worked at. Just walking to the bathroom resulted in me getting elbowed in the ribs pretty hard by some crazy shopper. It's chaos. Absolutely, destructive chaos.
So glad I live in Canada. We only have to deal with that on Boxing Day and I don't think anyone has ever gotten trampled.