I actually find it stresses me out to watch it o.O Especially the gymnastics just then. The Japanese placed 4th and just missed out on a medal, and I felt so bad for them because it was one little mistake had cost them placing in the top three.Then they disputed the dismount penalty and got awarded extra points, bumping them up to second. And then I felt even more bad for Ukraine and GB because GB thought they were getting silver and got bronze, and then Ukraine thought the were getting bronze and now are getting nothing! It physically pains me to watch it ¬¬ ~Just venting my feels.
These people are so much happier then you at absolutely every aspect of life that it's ****ing ridiculous. You don't need to feel sorry for them.
...True that. I can promise I won't :) We don't have superbowl here, but from what I've seen it's pretty boring. What makes you say that? I didn't just have my one shot at having an olympic medal given to me and then snatched away, on live TV in front of millions. As for me, I'd say I'm pretty happy with life o.O