I don't know where to start exactly but I need help. Im sort of at my lowest point right now. My boyfriend..or ex I don't know. Wants to break up with me.. he wont give me a reason why or any sort of answer at all. Last month I became very depressed because I had this bad feeling about breaking up with him, I didn't have my computer for a while so it was just msn on the psp. Meaning we didnt talk much at all. I became really sick, I lost a few kilos, was lathargic, had headaches. I went to get some blood tests but the results came out all clear. A day later from that my computer was fixed, I started becoming happy again. All the sickness started to fade away. Now from Wednesday it started all over again when I was getting upset,then it went worse, from the same symptoms as before but now my stomach is constantly hurting.
Did anything happen between you two? In the past? Or it might be for personal reasons, I hope everything is alright. If he doesn't give you a reason then it might be too personal. Don't you two know each other in real life? How come you two couldn't talk even with MSN on your PSP? He didn't have it or something? If so, then did you explain the fact the your computer broke and such? Did he say anything back? What kind of Doctor did you see? If the results came out clear then you might have had the flu for a bit, then it vanished. Then it might completely just be a bit of a state of mind. Try relaxing and try to be happy again. If it's not a state of mind then check with your doctors again. Something might be wrong this time. If you stomach is consantly(SP?) hurting then take a few pills or it might be something you ate. All I can say overall is tell your Boyfriend what's happening to you and see a doctor. Sorry if I made it worse.
We have been quite distant. Yeah stuff has happend in the past but I don't know if its the reason to whats happening now since I can't get any answer. It could be personal, but I don't know if thats the case but if it is, he should be able to tell me. No its/was online, he knew about the computer and was fine about it. I saw the local GP, and then went to.. I forget what they are called but the other people who do the bloodtests. It wasnt the flu though. I think it may just be that..but I never knew that such a state of mind could cause all this, im going to the doctors during the week. My boyfriend knows about me being sick, I just can't seem to get a answer from him.
What excatly happened in the past? It could've been something he regretted or is mad for, and he may not speak to you what it is. He might be cheating though. Pray he isn't. Sometimes it might be a little "Too" personal even for his own girlfriend to have information about. Wait a bit and he might tell you. No idea there then, Maybe he's just angry or something? Try a Hospital, or a different doctor altogether, it might clear it out a bit. I believe that most human minds themselves can become weak and eventually confused maybe to put strain and illness on the person. State of mind is the only thing I can come up with. If it gets too serious then see a/your doctor daily. Your boyfriend might have something personal or such. He might have to get through it. Maybe he'll come to his senses. <3 ...I think I made it worse ;_;
The most recent was that my parents read one of our chat logs, which I got into alot of trouble for, wasnt alowed to speak to him even though I did behind my parents backs. Oh God..Cheating =/ He mentioned that three girls wanted to go out with him and that one went to his school. He asked if was against dating someone in real life while online dating me,during the whole waiting to meet me period. But he only asked that because he wanted to know that if i was against it, I wouldnt date anyone behind his back, so he shouldnt have to worry. That still pops into my mind alot. Im still going to go to the local GP, he said I should vist it if it pops up again. I just have to wait a bit longer I guess to have everything sort its own self in time really, its the only thing that I can think of.
Great, Chat logs? D: That screwed everything. Then it shouldn't be too much trouble if you did behind their backs o.o Three girls? One at his school? I dunno, did he show you pictures? Did he comment on any of them? You should be agaisnt dating in real life and on the internet at the same time because one day you two could meet in real life. But that's my crazy dre- never mind. If he wants to meet you then you both should be completely agaisnt it. If he shouldn't have to worry then it's safe to say that it's completely personal. Alright. But if it gets serious, consider a hospital. That's the only conclusion I can think of O.o
Mhm it did.Problem was though that it was behind my parents backs. He didnt show me any photos or comment them. I am against it , I doubt he wants to meet me now anyway.
Really? Because I would see that as a stronger love if you're willing to go against your parents. Aw hell...Ask about them when you get the chance, if he doesn't say he likes them or anything then cheating is out of the question. Don't get depressed saying things like that, that might be causing the illness. It's never too late, it might be something personal, for all you know it might not be a very long break up. >.>
I love him so much it hurts right now. I do know from what he has heard about them, he doesnt like them. It may be somthing personal , I just have to wait and see =/. I cant respond with too much since I am now on my psp. Thanks alot for this.
I think that your just dealing with heart ache... you need to realize that there are many other guys out there and even more that could make you happoer than him.. Just give it time and you will see that it will all be ok.