on Play-Asia. I got sick of waiting. I'm actually really impressed with customer service though, they always replied to me within 24 hours and did exactly as I asked (in competent English, too). So now despite not getting my order I'm not pissed off. Curse you, customer service! I should be super pissed right now! Dx
Of this. I ordered on the first, it was supposed to ship on the 8th but there was apparently a 'restocking delay.'
Inorite? I <3 Higurashi Too bad they couldn't ship this game to me, I prettymuch bought my JPS2 to play it >|. I'll have to buy it on eBay.
Keiichi sort of irritated me in the first chapter, but in Minagoroshi-hen I thought he was epic. xD The only character I truly don't like is Takano. I never liked her |<.
That reminds me that I have to buy Umineko EP.4 when I get the time. HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE DROOPY-TAN!?
You might wanna wait on that. Ep 5 comes out in August. Also I hate her. Dx Mostly for what she did in Kai. @The Graceful Assassin - Already posted it. Look up =P. @Miley Cyrus - True. Apparently it was out of stock so they had to restock it, and there was a delay. Or something. Their policy for enquiry responses is 24 hours though, so I guess they were just sticking to that.