I can wait The sun is setting On my last day The thoughts I have Will fade away No fun where I’m going No smiles to wear This prison I’m going to No one cares In the world of learning Authority strikes B*tches strike too Their words of spikes For my holiday to end I can wait For my inability to find friends I can wait For the rumours circling me I can wait For the struggle to be free I can wait For the numbing pains in my head I can wait For my life to end I can wait so, what do you think???
Even though it was meant to be a dark poem, it felt quite lighthearted to me, not sure if you were aiming for that xD It was easy to read because it rhymed ~ I know usually repitition is a plus, but you used "I can wait" so much it kind of got annoying towards the end D: However, it was a good poem <3