I are wanting to be writing crossover fanfic! I are write better fanfic than Weasel!

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by kaseykockroach, Dec 10, 2011.

  1. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    The characters try to save themselves from tyrannical, psychotic fanfics writers, having to unite together to rebel against the onslaught.
    The characters thus journey to find their original creators to 'save' them, all while the demented fanfic authors pursue them, planning evilly to 'anime-ize' them, romantically pair them together, make them 'darker and edgier' in an idiotic fashion, draw them 'sexier', draw them as ponies, pair them with the author's OC's, etc.
    And perhaps worst of all, pair the villains romantically with the heroes, which particulary horrifies the PPGs.
    So, the girls (being the focus of this story) go their separate ways (to cover more ground) to find their original creators, managing to travel across the worlds of all my favorite cartoons, video games and movies, having one friend from each world join their quest for their own reason (like Tails needing Blossom's protection from the Sonic fanbase, as it's too late for Sonic to be saved...An evil fanfic writer paired him with Sally Acorn, destroying him :( ).
    (The PPGs aren't exactly my favorite characters or anything, it just seemed like an easy idea to work with. The idea just seemed to suit them more than anyone else)

    There are specific villains, one villain being the one who wants to ship and pair everyone together because she's pathetic, desperate and lonely due to her own failed romances. Another wants to sexualize them due to his own repressed psychotic fetishes..And yes, this would include the girls battling evil anime incarnations of themselves.
    Each of the three girls essentially aqcuire a main 'partner/ally' that sticks through them from world to world throughout their quest to find 'The Creator" (Blossom has Tails, Buttercup has 'friendly rival' Dexter, Bubbles drags poor Courage along).
    And yes, the crossover aspect really would be taken to the extreme, like Bubbles acquiring Gizmo the mogwai as a pet. Of course only Courage finds out you can't get it wet or feed it after midnight, but being Courage, is unable to tell her until it's too late. Or Buttercup on LV-426 (from the Aliens movies), which would indeed lead to Bubbles aqcuiring a pet dead face-hugger (when it tries to attack Bubbles, she thinks it's trying to kiss her, squealing in delight as she obliviously hugs it to death in response...Thinking it fell asleep in her arms, she takes the little baby alien with her).
    So, umm, thoughts?
    ...You know, sometimes I'm a little too eccentric for my own good....Anyone for tennis?
  2. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Maybe, cut down on the use of LSD, friend.
  3. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    hahahhah what are you even on

    How high do you have to be to do something like that